All-Star Cheerleading Lawsuit - Anyone Else See This?

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that was a terribble debate on that link.....just saying, NEVER cut someone off whose talking/defending cheerleading
Although this article caught your attention, they are appearing more frequently than you realize.

All Coaches are not the same: Unfortunately, as GymCoach points out in National articles all of the good & Great Programs are placed in the same heap as the extremely unsafe! So the question becomes where can we start to change the programs you experience and recognize as not just a little unsafe, but extremely unsafe? As noted by rp99 one year was more than enough with a School based program due to the lack of experienced and qualified Leadership which always surfaces the question “can you say “GROUND BOUND?” This would be the SAFEST answer for programs lacking Qualified Coaching, but who will define the Level of Coaching before a program can get off the ground?

Ground Bound programs: On the topic of reporting unsafe programs and those remaining GROUND BOUND, who would you report issues to and how can they actually take corrective action? Here is a reality check in case you have not considered this road of action, “no single authority has the ability to take action on a proactive basis for the safety of the athletes”, especially not AACCA! How would you react today if someone outside of your program had the authority to change your program to Ground Bound?

Publication focus change from injuries first: Until the focus of too many articles in the press change their focus from “all of the injuries each athlete has survived” into creating “attractive stories with creative language which will illustrate the skills of each athlete and their individual dedication to improving athletic skills in a progressive approach with Safety being a paramount issue which is reviewed frequently & reinforced during every interaction”, then we can’t continue to do the same activity repeatedly and expect a different result which is defined as the definition of crazy!

Best Practices: Where are the “Best Practices” of the SAFE Coaches captured for sharing with new or less experienced Leadership for Cheer related programs? As GymCoach touts her record, 15 years and 1 serious injury, that is a commendable record. So why haven’t we created some type of database capturing the daily activities GymCoach & others have pursued to keep their athletes SAFE?

Pro-active Next Steps: Each of us, today, need to leverage any media contact we have to provide 1. Positive Reporting about the aspects of Cheer, which are positive! Let’s talk about the Leadership experience, the experience of regularly acting/performing in front of crowds which prepares them for professional careers, how they have been members of teams, large (the performance group/squad) and small (stunt groups), physical conditioning for Life, …
2. Keep your athletes Safe by reviewing your facility and program to determine any weaknesses for immediate improvement, if you do not have an Emergency Plan in the event of injuries (notice I didn’t say accidents) add it now by Publishing, Posting and Practicing
available at
3. National Coaches Organization for recognition of Best Practices and to establish appropriate minimum experience and background for New Coaches with access to programs for filling the gap between being an athlete and serving as a Coach.
4. Ground Bound some programs for the Safety of the athletes; again the issue surfacing is who has the authority to decide which programs will be Ground Bound!
Rusty, you made valid points.

I would like to point out that injuries and safety issues are not only physically related. They should also be considered in terms of emotional and mental. Often, the last two mentioned are overlooked because one cannot see them. However, they are equally important to consider, in my opinion.

**I edited a spelling error.
this girl needs to quit if cheerleading if she cant handle this. god
This is the very reason why my girls can only do AllStar cheerleading. I let them try H.S. cheerleading in their freshman year. The team sucked, the coach was awful. The coaches only experience was the fact that she had a friend who was a cheerleder and no other teacher in the school was willing to do it. They tried to stunt using my daughter as a flyer. I said absolutely not. I don't care if you're doing a thigh stand, until the coach gets certified and can articulate what a thigh stand is, etc., Heck no!

My oldest daughter wanted to try out for cheer at her high school, after the parent meeting I put an end to that. The coach's experience was that her daughter had been a cheerleader. I asked how she was going to able to ensure the kids were practicing safely if she wasn't certified and she pointed me to the part that said I had to pay $350 to the gym we already attend for coaching! If I'm going to pay them the money the I'll just have her join their All Star program...duh winning!
My oldest daughter wanted to try out for cheer at her high school, after the parent meeting I put an end to that. The coach's experience was that her daughter had been a cheerleader. I asked how she was going to able to ensure the kids were practicing safely if she wasn't certified and she pointed me to the part that said I had to pay $350 to the gym we already attend for coaching! If I'm going to pay them the money the I'll just have her join their All Star program...duh winning!

I couldnt agree more. I am not a parent. And I am not against High School Cheerleading, HOWEVER. When several of my 13 & 14 yr old girls from my team wanted to cheer for basketball for their school I wasnt thrilled. They are L3 girls and have been cheering for several years, however the school team is very inexperienced, not to mention the squad hasnt been able to stunt for a few years because of insurance issues, so when it comes to stunting the high school squads are at a VERY basic level.

Well, come to find out that the coach on the JV coach is not only not certified, BUT has my 13 & 14 yr old all stars TEACHING the entire squad how to stunt. I was TWEEKING out. And we are not talking like, halfs. They are 14 yrs old! Here they are trying to teach fulls and extended single legs! Dont even get me started with the basket tosses! 14 yr olds teaching advanced stunts! When one of my girls called me from her JV practice 2 practices from competition and told me she thought her nose was broken that was the last straw. When I asked her how it happened she told me her coach allowed them to teach the flyers twist downs. Like, are you KIDDING ME?! Then I put my foot down and started talking to their parents.Its reasons like these that give cheerleading a bad name. Inexperienced coaches who have NO CLUE what they are doing.

Can I get an AMEN?!
In my state, coaches generally do go to the coaches conferences being held - and a lot go to a mass NCA camp where there is a coaches training session. Do coaches get enough out of it? Normally not. A lot of High School coaches in my state are either A) Moms, B) Teachers, C) Sponsors or D) High School cheerleaders that graduated HS and are now coaching. Im not saying ALL HS coaches in my state are not qualified, but IMO, a lot of them are. But again, 5A state Champs throw straight up Aerobesque full downs, so its nothing crazy - Also tumbling in HS lacks in my area.
Unfortunately, for CheerMomFootball you are correct the emotional issues are largely ignored in the lawsuits, they focus on the issues which can be quantified by actuaries and medical experts. I have worked with many attorneys over the years and seen a variety of injuries, everything from the ridiculous to “I can’t believe they were allowed to try that!” As a body of informed individuals, we can cause change at the local level, but some sort of National Organization (truly non-Profit) needs to represent our views with input from the body of the organization (therefore not AACCA) to determine all those necessary minimums and correct techniques for Cheer. Although this organization is still a shared dream for the Safety of all these young athletes, until we move it from the dream stage to reality then we will continue in venues like this one to vent about the absurd injuries with only a partial picture of the details of the incident. Way too many of these serious or crippling injuries are the results of Leadership which is NOT prepared Professionally for the task of Coaching Cheer.

Here is my current short wish list for Cheer;
1. National non-profit organization to establish rules & regulations for cheer with procedures to receive input and voting approval by members.
2. Coaches professional training for the safety of the athletes, although this sounds simple it really is very involved with an appropriate collegiate education process or some type of alternate training with hands on experience.
3. New publication focus for cheer illustrating all of the wonderful life altering exposure each athlete experiences in a variety of programs, All*Star or School based.
USA Cheer actually representing “all things cheer” according to their advertising is heavily weighted on the Board of Directors toward Varsity Brands (VB) organizations, more than 50%, which is fine when you own the organization. This organization, backed by VB, will first represent the business of Cheer instead of Safety First, which can be verified by conducting a long-term review of their business practices. Although USA Cheer is new, and the self-proclaimed head of “all things Cheer” which in VB’s terms includes All*Star in case you aren’t watching, they do have the long-term history of VB which leads to the next VB sponsored organization.

AACCA was founded to represent the Safety of Cheer participants, although over the years when Dr. F.O. Mueller has been issuing his research noting the significant rise for injuries associated with Cheer far outpacing the number of participants growth, VB has been denying the results taking his research then analyzing them for different results. AACCA or anyone for that matter, including you or me, can take numbers and alter them to meet a specific purpose, especially when that purpose by VB is to create a vision that Cheer is ALWAYS SAFE! You are experienced with Cheer and see many of the results of either poor/improper training (overuse injuries), you have witnessed the number of braces, crutches and casts that show up on squads at competitions or performances, athletes attempting skills they aren’t trained correctly to perform, athletes competing with skills they haven’t Mastered, etc. That becomes a long list of why many injuries occur, so why are VB & AACCA denying Dr. Mueller’s analysis and recommendations for more specific research to determine safe methods for Cheer participants? Well the only reason for that answer is that it doesn’t create new repeatable business! AACCA is an organization created & funded by VB; it only has a few employees who all probably have credit cards for travel expenses with VB picking up the tab. Although I applaud VB for creating such an organization, if it were really independent and VB simply made contributions for its support then my reaction may be different. When AACCA becomes an organization representing Cheer Coaches and Administrators opinions and views through their active roles, and is held accountable to the public for its views and research into Safety issues, then & only then my opinion of the organization may change. They aren’t an evil organization, just misleading in the respect that they currently provide a “Coaches Certification” for anyone that can read & complete an open book written test! You understand that Cheer is a physical activity, yes all Coaches need to know the basics of Safety, but most of those need to be addressed through “hands-on” training, not a written test!
AACCA is an organization created & funded by VB; it only has a few employees who all probably have credit cards for travel expenses with VB picking up the tab. Although I applaud VB for creating such an organization, if it were really independent and VB simply made contributions for its support then my reaction may be different. When AACCA becomes an organization representing Cheer Coaches and Administrators opinions and views through their active roles, and is held accountable to the public for its views and research into Safety issues, then & only then my opinion of the organization may change. They aren’t an evil organization, just misleading in the respect that they currently provide a “Coaches Certification” for anyone that can read & complete an open book written test! You understand that Cheer is a physical activity, yes all Coaches need to know the basics of Safety, but most of those need to be addressed through “hands-on” training, not a written test!

How predictable ~ the Wolf guarding the hen house. Thank you for pointing this out; had no idea.
I couldnt agree more. I am not a parent. And I am not against High School Cheerleading, HOWEVER. When several of my 13 & 14 yr old girls from my team wanted to cheer for basketball for their school I wasnt thrilled. They are L3 girls and have been cheering for several years, however the school team is very inexperienced, not to mention the squad hasnt been able to stunt for a few years because of insurance issues, so when it comes to stunting the high school squads are at a VERY basic level.

Well, come to find out that the coach on the JV coach is not only not certified, BUT has my 13 & 14 yr old all stars TEACHING the entire squad how to stunt. I was TWEEKING out. And we are not talking like, halfs. They are 14 yrs old! Here they are trying to teach fulls and extended single legs! Dont even get me started with the basket tosses! 14 yr olds teaching advanced stunts! When one of my girls called me from her JV practice 2 practices from competition and told me she thought her nose was broken that was the last straw. When I asked her how it happened she told me her coach allowed them to teach the flyers twist downs. Like, are you KIDDING ME?! Then I put my foot down and started talking to their parents.Its reasons like these that give cheerleading a bad name. Inexperienced coaches who have NO CLUE what they are doing.

Can I get an AMEN?!

Amen … to Coaches (really Advisors & Sponsors) allowing the inmates to run the asylum! Since when can the athlete determine necessary Safety issues, ... they cannot! They lack perspective & experience, therefore they will attempt to train others on the skill levels they are familiar with or desire to attempt, which will eventually end up with an injury.

Most injuries are unreported; until the athlete seeks assistance in an Emergency Room (ER), current records on the numbers of injuries will remain significantly lower than actual injuries. Cheer, whether Cheerleading or Cheer Competition needs real statistical analysis of the injuries & serious review of Safety methods to prevent injuries. Here is a simple but effective method for Spotting a Basket Toss, Overhead Spotting Belt. A gym can install current versions of the belt system with a cost of between $500-2,000 yet the cost of one significant injury can cripple one athlete for life! As NCSF promotes, Safety doesn’t hurt! Coaches/Spotters can be trained quickly on appropriate use of the system in a very short period of time, but retain the most complex skills attempts for your BEST SPOTTERS, you wouldn’t trust your best Top/Flyer in the hands of Novice performers so don’t make that mistake with the Overhead Spotting Belt. Does your gym use the overhead system for the Safety of your athlete?
I couldnt agree more. I am not a parent. And I am not against High School Cheerleading, HOWEVER. When several of my 13 & 14 yr old girls from my team wanted to cheer for basketball for their school I wasnt thrilled. They are L3 girls and have been cheering for several years, however the school team is very inexperienced, not to mention the squad hasnt been able to stunt for a few years because of insurance issues, so when it comes to stunting the high school squads are at a VERY basic level.

Well, come to find out that the coach on the JV coach is not only not certified, BUT has my 13 & 14 yr old all stars TEACHING the entire squad how to stunt. I was TWEEKING out. And we are not talking like, halfs. They are 14 yrs old! Here they are trying to teach fulls and extended single legs! Dont even get me started with the basket tosses! 14 yr olds teaching advanced stunts! When one of my girls called me from her JV practice 2 practices from competition and told me she thought her nose was broken that was the last straw. When I asked her how it happened she told me her coach allowed them to teach the flyers twist downs. Like, are you KIDDING ME?! Then I put my foot down and started talking to their parents.Its reasons like these that give cheerleading a bad name. Inexperienced coaches who have NO CLUE what they are doing.

Can I get an AMEN?!

Ugh. My daughter's high school does this. She is the ONLY one on her team that has ever cheered before. They have 2 gymnasts, my daughter, and 16 other girls who thought cheer would be "fun". We just moved her this past fall, so my daughter went and found the coach and asked her when tryouts were. Since she is new, and this is a very half-#$$ed squad, the coach let her try out right then. So she calls me at work to tell me she made Varsity cheer. Exciting! Not really...when I found out a week later her COACH wanted her to teach the girls "that roller coaster stunt from the video" (The Video? Bring It On of course!)

It's been a nightmare. She is supposed to be captain next year, but I've told her I'd rather she just stick with AllStar. She got a year of school cheer to put on her college apps, that's enough for me.
Just my 2 cents...

Has anyone thought to look above the untrained, uncertified coaches and look at the School Administrations, the Presidents of the league associations? As much as we want to blame coaches for lack of knowledge, the problem stems from a greater lack of knowledge. I used to coach a High School team in Maryland, left when I moved many miles away and would return in a heart beat, but now, due to the rules of the administration...that job will always be offered FIRST to a teacher trying to get extra money.

This is taken directly from the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association Handbook:

Operational Guidelines

B. MPSSAA Coaching Eligibility
  1. Member MPSSAA schools shall employ as coaches, teachers or certified professional educator employees of the local Board of Education for a specific coaching assignment.
  2. If no acceptable and qualified coaches are available from the teachers or certifiable professional educators, teachers employed by the local board of education; temporary emergency coaches may be employed if the following procedures are followed:
    1. With no acceptable professional staff members available to fill the coaching vacancy; the local school system shall attempt to locate a coach a person certifiable as a professional educator by the State Department of Education.
    2. With no acceptable and certifiable professional educator available, a person acceptable to the school system may be employed as an emergency coach.
So a qualified coach can apply, but is chosen based on this are a teacher within that school district or you are a teacher within the state. Then if there is NOT an acceptable teacher....ANYWHERE within the entire might get the job. And when they say notice it doesn't really emphasize qualified...and who decides what "qualified" is? I have coached with teachers who were told that if they wanted the job as the teacher, the stipulation was that since they know what a High V is, they WILL be the Cheer Coach. It was not an option.

This is the same state that has a cheerleading handbook in some counties...In one county, the handbook has a few cheerleading rules....just to summarize a few so you can see how the administration views cheerleading...

Rule #1 - limitations on "acrobatics."
Rule #2 - height limitations on to "2 high" no "(1 1/2 or 4 1/2 pyramids allowed)" "The use of dangerous throws will only be permitted when, after considerable practice, the sponsor has approved the stunt and adequate safety precautions are in effect."
Rule #3 - Coaches should limit the expense for the activity
Rule #4 - Keep out of pocket expenses to a minimum
Rule #5 - Rule on use of buses for transportation
Rule # 6 - Camp cannot be required....
more erroneous rules...and absolute favorite....

"Cheerleaders should wear no jewelry except their class rings and small post earrings. Make-up should be appropriate. Sponsors will discuss general guidelines with their squads."

So NOWHERE does it mention that the coach should follow AACCA or NFHS and it actually tells them they can wear post earings and class rings....seriously?!?!?

I am not defending these coaches with lack of knowledge...If you are 'thrown' into a position like this, you can sign up to take classes, you can contact a local gym, you can find countless information on the internet, coaches conferences and many other avenues. But in order for this type of nonsense to stop...the administrations/higher ups/ association directors/ who ever is in charge needs to be held accountable for their hiring practices as I have seen highly qualified cheer coaches get passed up for the English Teacher that wants the "extra pay for extra duty."

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