Amen … to Coaches (really Advisors & Sponsors) allowing the inmates to run the asylum! Since when can the athlete determine necessary Safety issues, ... they cannot! They lack perspective & experience, therefore they will attempt to train others on the skill levels they are familiar with or desire to attempt, which will eventually end up with an injury.
Most injuries are unreported; until the athlete seeks assistance in an Emergency Room (ER), current records on the numbers of injuries will remain significantly lower than actual injuries. Cheer, whether Cheerleading or Cheer Competition needs real statistical analysis of the injuries & serious review of Safety methods to prevent injuries. Here is a simple but effective method for Spotting a Basket Toss, Overhead Spotting Belt. A gym can install current versions of the belt system with a cost of between $500-2,000 yet the cost of one significant injury can cripple one athlete for life! As NCSF promotes, Safety doesn’t hurt! Coaches/Spotters can be trained quickly on appropriate use of the system in a very short period of time, but retain the most complex skills attempts for your BEST SPOTTERS, you wouldn’t trust your best Top/Flyer in the hands of Novice performers so don’t make that mistake with the Overhead Spotting Belt. Does your gym use the overhead system for the Safety of your athlete?