:kiss: LOL at the whole first paragraph.
And really...yes. We did. And we relaxed...we chilled...we thought a lot...about the CNN news piece. On cheer. And then we re-watched it, decided it was a great piece.
And then..........:eek: THIS. THREAD.
I literally have gotten a headache from this thread and I've decided that that is silly. And my friend @
Mamarazzi reminded me that last time I had a "Teal Day" I was in the hospital for 5 days. I'm still not sure the 2 were related, but the headache today and the puffy feet would indicate that it's a possibility. :p
So I will leave it at this:
1. first and foremost, Maddie represented cheer extremely well (hardy har har...pun intended). She was well spoken, mature, and gave a great in-depth look at what it takes to be an allstar cheerleader. A great look that even the most anti-cheer person would have to take a second look and say "Hmmmm...that's not what I was expecting." Regardless of anything else that has been said in this thread, no one can take that away from her.
2. I really am not nearly as hung up on CEA as this thread makes it seem. I just wish sometimes people could take off the teal-colored glasses and realize that not everyone loves CEA. And that doesn't make them bad people. No need to go so ballistic every time someone says something against the almighty teal. And I have had numerous people tell me they're happy I speak my mind because they can't, usually because they are someone who matters and people would make a whole new thing out of
that. So as Mamarazzi said, I am the spokesperson for the Un-Teal. So I get a little fired up because sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who doesn't bleed teal - or at least the only person who will admit it. And I don't take kindly to being attacked and called essentially "dumb" and "classless" simply because I disagree with something.
3. Lastly,