Just-a-Mom I think I may have been one of the few people that actually understood what your original post was about. Teenage girls have swift and painful reactions to
everything. So I quoted your post and replied then continued to read the rest of the thread. I was so confused at the posts criticizing yours. Did everybody actually read what she said? Just wondering...
Indeed I did....I think many of her posts itt including the first one I responded to, are rather presumptuous considering she did not/does not know extenuating circumstances. . She did not simply state something to the effect of, "those girls reacted w/o consideration for the rest of their team bc they felt slighted and it's unfortunate that they did so in such a public manner".
her words bolded
You say this like it's the most awful thing in the world. Of course they're bitter and upset they didn't receive any credit for their involvement. Do they not practice just as much as she does? Did they not help win Worlds in 2010? Do they not show up with injuries and work through them? So yes, I think TEENAGE GIRLS might be hurt that they were brushed aside like back-up dancers in Maddie's show - "Maddie and her Senior Elites". - how is this not presumptuous? I've already explained that all of the girls knew what the deal was, so I'm not going to rehash every single reply I made to her, but she's commenting on things she really has no idea about. For instance, how does she know if the people making nasty comments work as hard, competed on SE last year when they won worlds, suffered injuries, etc? You get the point.?
I would imagine that this is a group of 35 young ladies who've spent YEARS in Maddie's shadow. 35 young ladies who are just as much Senior Elite as she is. So instead of everyone acting so shocked that they reacted this way, and trying to figure out ways to make them not feel something that is perfectly reasonable and logical to feel...why not look into the fact that they've probably felt this way FOREVER...and this was just the straw that broke the camel's back for many of them. I sincerely doubt this is the first time they've had to deal with being made to feel like extras in a movie about Maddie. Again, how is this not presumptuous?!! (and possibly a little snippy to be honest) Just a mom has no idea if these girls have felt this way, or that they feel like they've had to be in Maddie's shadow, etc. Of course she is entitled to her
opinion about what she
thinks the case may be, but my reply was a just and logical one considering that she really has no idea and is merely basing her opinions on speculation. Furthermore, I provided her with some correct information regarding the issue, only one of which was that ALL of the girls knew she was chosen to represent CEA and I even pointed out how much the rest of the team was highlighted in the piece.
I am aware that she said she liked the piece, I'm aware that she thinks it probably wasn't Maddie's fault, etc....however, she is, once again, presumptuous (or maybe overly sensitive is the word needed in this specific situation) when she makes statements that are more like putting words in people's mouths (like when she referred to being called classless and dumb, etc. or when she thought I was directly referring to her last night, only to realize it was obvious my comment was not directed towards her). So there are little things that really shouldn't be such a big issue if it were only about stating things "simply", but often I do not think that's the case.
There are many more examples, but I'm not trying to beat up on Just a mom, bc I don't want her thinking I'm some evil *itch (I mean, I might be...but that's besides the point ;) or mainly that I'm picking on her. I can handle myself just fine, don't get bent out of shape if she doesn't agree w/me, and don't care if she likes me or not (although I'd love to get along w/everyone..). I feel things were taken out of context or simply not understood when I wrote them, but I didn't feel the need to constantly have the last word and I don't lose any sleep over it.
Having said all of that...I would like to be finished w/this specific discussion regarding my personal replies to just a mom regarding these issues...unless anyone actually cares to hear more, and if so, I'm open for discussion via pm...
Ok...now back to voting for Ricky for So You Think You Can Dance bc I've already wasted 15 min of voting time!