All-Star Coach "x"

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May 18, 2010
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So, guys and gals, when you're at practice, what do coaches get called? Do you refer to them as Coach Suzie or go by first name? Obviously allstars and schools are different.... when I coached high school and college, it was just plain "Coach" or "Coachie"... but when I moved to allstars years ago, it was all first name basis.

There is a current coach at our gym who insists on being called by Coach "Whoever"... she gets her feathers in a ruffle when they only use her first name. Her argument is that it demands respect. I get that, and I agree to an extent. Personally, I don't mind being called by just my first name. I really don't care either way.

So, what do you all do? :)
At my gym we go by first names

if I went to a big gym I would probably go by coach so and so, I dont know why though.
My younger ones call me Coach....the older ones just use my name.
The whole respect thing makes sense, like how you'd never call a teacher by their first name... but idk it just seems weird to be like Coach Susie, will you spot me for my full? That's probably just because I never personally did that with any of my coaches. When my mom was an assistant for my Pop Warner teams way back when, she hated when people called her by her first name, but she eventually got used to it. She just wanted to be "Mrs. ____" cause that's what all my other friends called her. We always referred to all the coaches, assistants and head by their first name. My head coach got pissed at us when we called her coach... haha idk why though. Then on a different team, eventually we just called our coach Mom cause we were so close with her. Hahaha :)
I guess it depends on the gym but at my cp's gym the girls , the coaches and the parents are all very very close!! We are truly a family at CT! So the the girls call the coaches by their first name....its not meant to be disrepectful at all its just that the girls love them so much
We all go by "Miss [first name]". Even my older ones usually call me "Miss Michelle"; sometimes they drop the Miss and just call me by my first name - it doesn't really matter to me though.
most of my kids call me by my first name...but i do have one that call me "Mrs. Coach Carla"
The younger kids usually add 'coach' before a first name but honestly most of our coaches just have nicknames that we use for them.
At the HS, the Jrs and Srs have known me since they were 3 and 4 taking pre-school gymnastics classes from me. They call me Miss FirstName. Then I became a teacher in the district-and I had the sophs and freshies in my class, so the they know me as Ms LastName. That's pretty much what they call me. Some times they'll call me coach (usually it's "yo, coach" yelled down a hallway.
Very interesting... I can see both sides being valid here, so I think it just seems to be personal preference. I think what I relate to the most is that it is a level of closeness much more than that of student-teacher. These kids are like family, and I think that is the reason calling me Coach Suzie seems so formal. :)
our older girls just call the coaches by their first name. (maybe because we are a smaller gym and our coaches are like our second parents) and the little kids call them miss ____or mister _____
My level 5s refer to me as "Uncle" and the other coach as "Dad" - here is their explanation of why - Dads enforce the rules and uncles enforce them but are more fun...

Level 5 kids: What time is curfew tonight
"Dad" - In your beds 10pm - Lights out at 11
"Uncle" - Just be reasonable and ready for tomorrow....

Other then my level 5 kids being goofy - The younger ones tend to just say "Coach Kyle" and the older ones "Kyle" - I have no preference!
When I coached I had them call my by my first name. I didn't want to be "Miss" anything or "Coach" anything, because I didn't like the sound of it...and sometimes if they did it I'd get flustered and look at them like "who are you talking to"

I never called any of my former coaches by anything other than their first names...

My younger sister doesn't call her coaches anything...not that shes not close to them or anything, if shes talking about them she'll refer to them as Coach Name.....but when speaking directly to them...she doesn't call them anything