i went/go to stockton college, which is a small school in nj.. and depending where you're from you've probably never heard of it.
However, if New Jersey is somewhere you'd be willing to go, they have pre-PT/OT and MSOT and DPT programs. I also believe if you are applying as a freshman you can get into an accelerated BS/DPT program and not have to worry about getting in your junior/senior year.. and you skip a masters and get a doctorate ;) basically a win-win.
Strangely enough, I cannot get into my own undergrad school for graduate study. (i didn't decide OT was what i was meant to do until spring my junior year so i do not meet the prerequisites for their program.. or the other schools in NJ. and at this point, i'm graduating in May NO MATTER WHAT, so adding an extra semester just isn't an option for my parents who are celebrating paying their last college tuition bill since i'm the youngest in my family and i'm on my own to pay for grad school.)
So I'm applying to:
Florida: FIU, Barry, and Nova Southeastern
Pennsylvania/Philly: PhilaU, Temple, Misericordia, Howard
NY: Ithaca, Stony Brook
and then randomly Radford in VA.. and I don't think I want to go there ever, but I have a weird feeling that I have a good shot of getting in there, so I added it since everyone advises applying to MINIMUM 10 schools since it's so competitive.
I so wish I knew what I wanted to do at 17 and I wouldn't be so petrified at the moment.. good luck and feel free to ask me any more questions! I may not know everything about PT but at this point, i feel like a walking college brochure so I can probably lead you in the right direction!