I think this is one of my first posts on this account- it's perfect that it is in the college section because I love talking about college!
I'm from MA, and I love New England. I'm a junior and I've gone to a competitive public school in a very small, rural town. I'm looking for something more urban than what I've known, but I'm definitely willing to compromise that if the school is a really good fit. So if anybody could give me any suggestions on schools similar to the following that'd be great!
I'm looking for a personal experience where I won't be overwhelmed by a huge student body or huge lecture classes. The average class size at my HS is 18 or so, so I'd love that to carry over into college. Also, I'm on an 504 plan for ADHD and Dyslexia, so schools that are disability friendly are definitely a plus. I'm extremely highly motivated and I have learnt to deal with the severity of the disability over time without the need of extensive special education, so managing a workload is not an issue. I would love the open-mindedness and flexibility I've had in high school to be emulated in college.
These are the schools that I'm looking at that I don't have a ton of information on. Feel free to comment on any of them based on any amount of experience you've had; I want to know everything I can before making my final choice!
Elon, College of Charleston, George Washington, Lafayette, Miami of Ohio, Colorado College, Tulane, Loyola MD