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If they're all federal loans, they have income based payments. So you won't have to pay more than, I don't know, 10% of your income or something. And after a certain amount of time they'll be discharged. But I think it might be 30 years and you should be able to pay off those loans in that amount of time.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what they are. I def don't want to be paying for thirty years. Ten even seems too much!

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I did get lucky in that my roommate doesn't go like going out either. So I know there's always someone to hang out with and my boyfriend isn't into it either. Some of my best friends that I've made in my hall will go out once in a while but they aren't completely addicted so it's like most of the time we just hang out in the dorms and go to dinner on campus and such. It probably helps that I'm in the pre-med dorm but there's still a surprising amount of people who go out literally Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. I'm like how on earth do you get good grades??
Yea pretty much everyone on my floor freshman year as well as some of my friends the other 3 years went out 7 days/week because that was the norm at my school. I have no idea how they did it, I don't even think I would have the energy to do that if I wanted to lol.

And I'm not even ready to think about loans yet. I am so thankful my parents took care of the $60,000 from undergrad. But, I will have over $100,000 to pay off for grad school. Why did I pick a private school to get my Doctorate?
The school itself is fine it's just the fact that a) They don't have my major (only as a concentration here). b) The classes are too easy for me. I want to challenge myself more.

I realize you posted this a few days ago, but i was busy studying my as$ off. this also is not an attack by any means. but i've seen you say this numerous times and i've held my tongue each time. and maybe you just hate FGCU so much that you're willing to say anything to convince your parents to let you leave. or are you just that full of yourself? but either way i find this offensive, even though i never have and never will attend that school.

really - college is too easy for you? than why even go to college? just start your career right now. my first semester i thought intro to writing skills and my freshman seminar were easy, too. but they're required and you take them to build skills, so by senior year when i had to write a 50-page, single-spaced thesis i could do it (and get a 100 on it if i'm going to brag.) to an outsider, it may look like that was easy for me. or that i put in hours upon hours of work in those "easy" classes to make sure i would succeed. maybe you should tell your professors that class is too easy. i'm sure that kid sitting next to you who spends hours studying and getting tutoring will really appreciate that. i should also let my friends who have engineering degrees from FGCU know that their degrees don't matter because their school was easy. :rolleyes:

i don't even think i'm expressing my thoughts properly, because it just baffles me that you say that so often and i felt it needed to be addressed. i also haven't had my coffee yet, so i apologize for coming off as a lion. this isn't a personal attack on you as a whole, just that one statement that you so nonchalantly make.

** to keep the thread on track, anyone considering getting their DC - it is hard and you will cry. your first nervous break down will be in about week 3. and we had to attend a loan presentation and it'll be guesstimate $2000 a month for 30 years. so you'll cry because of that, too. or just laugh, because there's nothing else you can do. :eek:
Just to note on the "too easy" classes, they do vary widely by school. That doesn't mean the entire school is easy, but perhaps for that major with that cluster of profs. Some of the classes I took over the summer at nearby colleges when getting my degree were a WORLD of a difference than the ones at my actual university in terms of difficulty. The bar was set higher for my major at my actual university, because it was a bigger school with a larger concentration in my major compared to the local schools (still large colleges). I'm not going to lie and say they were all the same level of difficulty, because they weren't.
It's like when applying for colleges....some have higher requirements than others per college per school (business/engineering/liberal arts, etc.).
That being said though, you still have to put in effort and do the work for every class no matter what, so there's no freebie. Just different points of expectation at each location.
Note, I said it was too easy FOR ME. Yes, there are others in the classes studying like crazy but there's also classes where we're treated like little kids. I'm not saying their engineering degrees don't matter. Maybe their engineering classes were a lot harder than my classes. It's the classes that I AM taking myself that I find too easy. Yes, it's still gen eds but I always had the impression that college was about challenging yourself and learning new things. A lot of classes I'm in are going over things I learned in middle/high school. While some kids are struggling with that, I understand they need more hand holding. However, I don't need that. I don't need to be retaught the same things again. Yes, knowing them helps, however, spending 5 lessons on how to write an essay seems pointless to me.
Note, I said it was too easy FOR ME. Yes, there are others in the classes studying like crazy but there's also classes where we're treated like little kids. I'm not saying their engineering degrees don't matter. Maybe their engineering classes were a lot harder than my classes. It's the classes that I AM taking myself that I find too easy. Yes, it's still gen eds but I always had the impression that college was about challenging yourself and learning new things. A lot of classes I'm in are going over things I learned in middle/high school. While some kids are struggling with that, I understand they need more hand holding. However, I don't need that. I don't need to be retaught the same things again. Yes, knowing them helps, however, spending 5 lessons on how to write an essay seems pointless to me.

You have one semester of classes behind you. You had a few easy gen ed classes your first semester in college. Do you have a major? How are those classes? Because that's really what's important. Sounds to me like you're just making up reasons for why you don't want to be at that school because you don't like it. If I'm not mistaken, you didn't even get As in all of those classes that were apparently so easy for you.

Trust me, when you're knee deep in taking classes for your major, you're not going to mind having an easy gen-ed class on your schedule. Freshman writing classes are kind of a joke in general. Show up, get an A, and move on.
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You have one semester of classes behind you. You had a few easy gen ed classes your first semester in college. Do you have a major? How are those classes? Because that's really what's important. Sounds to me like you're just making up reasons for why you don't want to be at that school because you don't like it. If I'm not mistaken, you didn't even get As in all of those classes that were apparently so easy for you.

Trust me, when you're knee deep in taking classes for your major, you're not going to mind having an easy gen-ed class on your schedule. Freshman writing classes are kind of a joke in general. Show up, get an A, and move on.

Precisely. My younger sister got a 3.8 for fall semester (her first semester of college). She never once uttered the words "It was too easy"....but she did say "I worked hard and I studied"

Normal people don't mind the easy or the gen ed courses because it stacks their gpa for when shhhht gets real. I don't doubt that you genuinely feel like the classes were too easy for you, but just know that they aren't always going to be too easy, however I wouldn't recommend going around sharing that you feel they're too easy with your peers

It honestly sounds like you don't want to be at that school because you don't want to be there. Every time you have a new excuse for why you don't want to be there...boyfriend...family...partying....tickets for plays cost too much....classes are too easy... Just own it and leave. You're grown. Transfer. Tell your parents not to file you on their taxes and fill out your own FAFSA and get to gettin'.

But you do have to consider whether you'll be happy anywhere. Is it the school or your attitude? I claimed I was miserable my freshman year of college and claimed I wanted to transfer.....but it was definitely me being 17 and bratty....and not my school. I changed my attitude and consequently changed my experience.
Precisely. My younger sister got a 3.8 for fall semester (her first semester of college). She never once uttered the words "It was too easy"....but she did say "I worked hard and I studied"

Normal people don't mind the easy or the gen ed courses because it stacks their gpa for when shhhht gets real. I don't doubt that you genuinely feel like the classes were too easy for you, but just know that they aren't always going to be too easy, however I wouldn't recommend going around sharing that you feel they're too easy with your peers

It honestly sounds like you don't want to be at that school because you don't want to be there. Every time you have a new excuse for why you don't want to be there...boyfriend...family...partying....tickets for plays cost too much....classes are too easy... Just own it and leave. You're grown. Transfer. Tell your parents not to file you on their taxes and fill out your own FAFSA and get to gettin'.

But you do have to consider whether you'll be happy anywhere. Is it the school or your attitude? I claimed I was miserable my freshman year of college and claimed I wanted to transfer.....but it was definitely me being 17 and bratty....and not my school. I changed my attitude and consequently changed my experience.

I know I also only have one semester of college under my belt, but the difference in my attitude from the beginning of the semester and the end were worlds apart. At the beginning when I realized how much people actually do party there, I just wanted to leave because in my head there is this ideal school where drinking isn't the big thing to do. But let's face it. It's college. Once I realized that (and as much as I complain about there being nothing to do on weekends if you don't drink), I have found a love for hanging out in the hall of my dorm or in someone's room with a bunch of my friends who didn't feel like going out that night/weekend. At first I just wanted to transfer to a school close to home so I could live at home and not have to deal with it. But once I just got over it all and went on with what I like to do and made friends, I really enjoyed it (and now can't wait another week to get back to school). Also over break I discovered I'd go crazy if I had moved back home and lived with my parents again :rolleyes:
I know I also only have one semester of college under my belt, but the difference in my attitude from the beginning of the semester and the end were worlds apart. At the beginning when I realized how much people actually do party there, I just wanted to leave because in my head there is this ideal school where drinking isn't the big thing to do. But let's face it. It's college. Once I realized that (and as much as I complain about there being nothing to do on weekends if you don't drink), I have found a love for hanging out in the hall of my dorm or in someone's room with a bunch of my friends who didn't feel like going out that night/weekend. At first I just wanted to transfer to a school close to home so I could live at home and not have to deal with it. But once I just got over it all and went on with what I like to do and made friends, I really enjoyed it (and now can't wait another week to get back to school). Also over break I discovered I'd go crazy if I had moved back home and lived with my parents again :rolleyes:

Exactly. After my freshman year fall semester, coming back home for that 1 month for Christmas about drove me insane. Esp. Since my mom was a teacher and didn't work for half of my vacay. I also come from one of those families with no real rules and no curfews (parents just trusted us to make good decisions and basically told us to YOLO) so its not like I was dealing with anything unbelievably strict.

My younger sister doesn't drink. She found some friends that didn't drink. They go out and don't drink.

I personally drank my freshman year....in moderation...which you know, I don't endorse...since its illegal for those under 21... but I did it and it is what it is. I still turned out okay...finished school in 3 1/2 semesters and hung around for 1 more semester just because. But yeah I definitely found that hanging out in the dorm on a friday/sat night was more fun than going to a party. Best memories were made in that dorm....like we invented Beer-aquries....

Gah I miss college
I find some of my courses to be easy in school. I find that the material itself isn't easy, but how my teachers present it to me. Aka giving me the answers to a ten question test the class before. I've only had a couple of those kind though. But, I did take a class that was for my major when I was doing nursing and it is a complete 180! I studied my a$$ off and got a b+ I was more proud of that grade than any other even though it was my lowest. That just goes to show you that some may be easy but when you start taking courses in your major it isn't so easy. Don't take the easy classes for granted. Theres those at every school. They're preparing you for the hard ones!!

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Sorry for the double post, so I'm moving into an apt in the fall with three.friends. anyone have any tips on how to divvy up the grocery bill? Is it easier to just cook meals for everyone each night and all split the bill or everyone do their own thing?

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Note, I said it was too easy FOR ME. Yes, there are others in the classes studying like crazy but there's also classes where we're treated like little kids. I'm not saying their engineering degrees don't matter. Maybe their engineering classes were a lot harder than my classes. It's the classes that I AM taking myself that I find too easy. Yes, it's still gen eds but I always had the impression that college was about challenging yourself and learning new things. A lot of classes I'm in are going over things I learned in middle/high school. While some kids are struggling with that, I understand they need more hand holding. However, I don't need that. I don't need to be retaught the same things again. Yes, knowing them helps, however, spending 5 lessons on how to write an essay seems pointless to me.

I appreciate your response, and again while i am sure it seemed like a full fledged attack, it wasn't meant in that way.

you may just be really smart or a great student and do well naturally. that's fine. i naturally excel at english and all things writing... i chose to pursue a career in science and every day is a challenge (sometimes a struggle) but i wouldn't have it any other way. if you love the field/major you chose, it won't feel so much like work, anyway. in any school/major some things will be easy, especially your first few semesters. but if it's "easy" and you don't have to spend your whole life studying, don't complain - use that extra time to get involved on campus. graduate with honors. get a great internship with that high GPA and extracurriculars on your resume. don't b!tch about it, use it to your advantage.
I appreciate your response, and again while i am sure it seemed like a full fledged attack, it wasn't meant in that way.

you may just be really smart or a great student and do well naturally. that's fine. i naturally excel at english and all things writing... i chose to pursue a career in science and every day is a challenge (sometimes a struggle) but i wouldn't have it any other way. if you love the field/major you chose, it won't feel so much like work, anyway. in any school/major some things will be easy, especially your first few semesters. but if it's "easy" and you don't have to spend your whole life studying, don't complain - use that extra time to get involved on campus. graduate with honors. get a great internship with that high GPA and extracurriculars on your resume. don't b!tch about it, use it to your advantage.
I 100% agree with this. School in general has always come easy to me and that wasn't much different in undergrad. I did have to bust my butt to get an A in some of the upper level major courses, but I took advantage of those easy gen ed classes because I knew I needed at least a 3.8 to have a remote chance of getting in to a decent grad school for my program. That super high GPA I had led me to basically having my pick from several amazing schools in one of the most competitive doctorate degree programs. If you really want to be challenged, go for it, but there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of having and excelling in those easier classes.
Also, I went to the #1 party school in the country for undergrad and I don't drink/go out/party/whatever so I guess I just don't see going to a party school and not being a partier as an excuse to change schools. There is so much more to a school than the partying atmosphere.
Just my 2 cents.
Sorry for the double post, so I'm moving into an apt in the fall with three.friends. anyone have any tips on how to divvy up the grocery bill? Is it easier to just cook meals for everyone each night and all split the bill or everyone do their own thing?

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For groceries everyone is on mostly on their own. But things like condiments we bought at the beginning and split the price.

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Sorry for the double post, so I'm moving into an apt in the fall with three.friends. anyone have any tips on how to divvy up the grocery bill? Is it easier to just cook meals for everyone each night and all split the bill or everyone do their own thing?

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I have two roommates and because are schedules can be pretty different we don't really cook meals together. We take turns buying stuff like milk, bread, and peanut butter. But usually we just buy our own stuff. One of my roommates is a really good cook and if she cooks for all of us I usually just do all of the dishes or just buy half of the ingredients. I find it easier to just buy my own groceries. Than I just know what's mine so I don't eat any of their snacks or food and vice versa.

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