All-Star Competition And Illness

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Cheer Parent
Mar 23, 2010
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How sick is too sick to cheer?

Knowing this is a team sport my 6 year old mini CP will be at competition tomorrow despite fevers and cough all week. She did miss 3 school days this week trying to get better. I put her to bed tonight with Motrin and another 102 fever. My husband thinks I am crazy to take her to competition tomorrow.

Thoughts, stories to share to make me feel better...
this a tough one! people in allstar "get it" but family and other people think we're insane. It sounds nuts but take her to the comp, let her compete and leave. poor baby!
let her sleep as long as possible dont let her take anything tomorrow that will make her too tired and get out of the comp as soon as possible and get home!!poor girl hope she gets better!! which comp are you going too??
Lots and Lots of medicine! As long as your CP's coaches and/or team mom are informed, it should be okay! Lots of fluids, too! We had a girl on my team who was in the same position (102 fever day of competition) and so during warmups, she would through her pass, and as long as it hit she would sit down and rest. This happened with her stunt, pyramid, ect. Hope she feels better! Poor baby</3 Prayers are being sent!
I could never do this. It's not fair to my child to be in that position. Also, it's not fair to their team mates. #1-If my child is sick, he/she is weak and can't safely stunt or tumble. #2- My child could spread their illness to everyone else on the team.

I understand that it would be difficult for the team to sub in or re-work the routine, but that's life. I also understand that you paid an entry fee, but your child's health and safety (as well as the health and safety of their team mates) is more important. As a coach, I would turn away a sick athlete. If you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to cheer.
aww poor baby. water her tumbling down if possible, and get out of there as soon as you can! i understand why she should compete, especially since this is so last minute. feel better <3
I've competed with the flu and a kidney stone...on the same day. Its not too horrible if all you have to get through is the warm up and comp and then go home and back to bed. I didn't throw any tumbling though. I would have thrown up all over the floor.
6? Aww=/. Does she still want to compete tomorrow? I'd call the coach tonight saying she might not be competing & if she still has a high fever in the morning, I'd call the coach letting them know she won't be there. If she was a couple yrs older I would prob take her on meds, but her little body needs to rest! Older athletes can handle being sick at comps. A 6 yr old will prob be worse after leaving the comp.
I could never do this. It's not fair to my child to be in that position. Also, it's not fair to their team mates. #1-If my child is sick, he/she is weak and can't safely stunt or tumble. #2- My child could spread their illness to everyone else on the team.

I understand that it would be difficult for the team to sub in or re-work the routine, but that's life. I also understand that you paid an entry fee, but your child's health and safety (as well as the health and safety of their team mates) is more important. As a coach, I would turn away a sick athlete. If you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to cheer.

JMO its life to be sick and push through things also if I was sick and told my team I couldnt compete and they had to re do the routine I would feel like I was letting them down its 2 mins and 30 secs push through it and be done....

I know its not safe but if not throwing up and just a fever no big deal JMO!!

when she is out on the floor she wont even think about being sick!!
JMO its life to be sick and push through things also if I was sick and told my team I couldnt compete and they had to re do the routine I would feel like I was letting them down its 2 mins and 30 secs push through it and be done....

I know its not safe but if not throwing up and just a fever no big deal JMO!!

when she is out on the floor she wont even think about being sick!!

I think some of you are forgetting that the child is 6 years old!
She wants to go and once the fever comes down with Motrin she has been fine. Still cheering with her dolls all evening!!
I am almost positive it's just a virus since everyone we know has been sick lately.

Hopefully she wakes up fever free and perky tomorrow. Luckily she doesn't even go on until the afternoon.
How sick is too sick to cheer?

Knowing this is a team sport my 6 year old mini CP will be at competition tomorrow despite fevers and cough all week. She did miss 3 school days this week trying to get better. I put her to bed tonight with Motrin and another 102 fever. My husband thinks I am crazy to take her to competition tomorrow.

Thoughts, stories to share to make me feel better...

I would keep her home and let her rest. Im not saying this as a cheerleader or coach/parent but as someone who is in the medical profession. 102 fever she would probably be to weak to want to compete.
I know its hard for some parents to understand, but it is a fact of life to take sick kids to comps. Yes she is 6 not 17 but how much harder is it for 6 year olds to redo a routine at the last minute? It takes them forever to learn a routine. How much harder is it to find a sub that fits the age limit? In most gyms the kids that fit agewise are already on the team. Young children are resilient and unless she is deathly ill and should be hospitalized she can rest,cheer and then go home. Good luck, I wish you the best and I hope she feels better in the morning.

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