I agree--I think most parents should make the decision and leave it at that. I guess it's just an unfortunate fact of life that there will always be parents who don't make decisions based on anything other than how they'll look to other people. I think I mostly get mad at coaches and other team members who feel it's their place to tell a parent when their child is well enough to compete. Again this is illness, not injury--I usually trust my children's coaches to assess the injury, the routine, and make it work. But if you're telling a coach that your child has had a fever of 102 for 3 days and they're telling you to come on in and compete without a doctor's note...that's just irresponsible to me. A cold? Fine. But when people are bragging they competed with swine flu or pneumonia I think that's just so selfish--and I really feel like a coach should step in and say no.
(***I almost feel like there are exceptions...if it's your last chance at a Worlds bid, and your whole teams dreams that they've been working for their whole lives for hinge on YOU being there, I would say just go and do it. I know someone said that it shouldn't matter the level, but really it does. A mini team has PLENTY of other chances to compete--and it'd be a good time to learn that sometimes, no matter what you've done to prepare, life rears its ugly head and you have to just deal. But a last shot at a Worlds bid is not something you'll get another chance at...much like I understnad that every once in awhile, you really do just have to go to work, even if you have the bubonic plague. I'm just saying that sometimes, just sometimes, the world will actually continue to rotate without you.)