Yes I never use the lipstick that comes with the kits!
For my daughter I use covergirl 24hrs it's like a lip stain I guess. I never have to reapply hers.
The only thing bad about it is if you suck at putting it on (like I do) you better hope you don't mess up because it ain't coming off.
I'm about the post the most embarrassing pic of my kid.
We put it on her Saturday at 11:00AM. She didn't get home till after midnight so she went and changed and fell asleep. She had a friend over so I wasn't going to argue with her.
We didn't even wake up till after 11 on Sunday and this is her sometime after that.
That lipstick barely started to come off at that point.
I took her hair down and sent her to the shower and she scrubs her face and there is usually still light lipstick that's splotchy after that so she always has to wear a lip gloss or something with minimal color the next day or you see splotches of red all on her lips!
Our first year here I believe I bought a new one every comp until ACA I had first used this one and I was in love!
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