My brother learned to skate at age 2. Played a local hockey team at 3 and continued with that until 10. Then moved to a more advanced team about 45 minutes away for about 2 years. Then moved to a team about 1 hour and 15 minutes away that traveled for about 4 years. Then played on an intensive travel team that rarely was home a single weekend all through high school and the year after he graduated. This friday is my brothers last college hockey game and last night as we sat there watching a kid get angry and snap his $165 stick in half, i asked my mom how much she thought shes spent in the past 23 years. Her only response was "I do not want to know".
When he played local, his "tuition" fees were right about $1200, but then you bought your own equipment, jersey, warm up, etc. On top of that they usually went and played 2 out of town tournaments a season, one was in Canada. He goes through about a pair of skates a season, needs 3 sticks at a game because he breaks them and needs back up, and goes through probably 5 or 6 a year, a new mouth guard every game, rolls of tape beyond belief. I would say when he played locally it was probably more like close to $4,000 a year when it all came down to it. That doesnt include the gas spent driving to other "local" teams rinks for games every weekend considering the closest was 45 minutes away.
I would say the team that was about 45 minutes away was about the same, except a few more out of town tornaments so hotels rooms for 4 - 5 more i would say about $5,000 a year. On top of that about 45 minute car rides each way 3 - 4 days a week. About $50 bucks a week in gas or another $3,500 a year. So $8,500, again not including gas to games.
The hour and 15 minute away team was pretty intense, making it to districts and nationals. It was also in a very rich area so they spared no expense, requiring "donations" for gatorade and protein bars in the locker rooms. Plus the "tuition" was probably closer to $1800. On top of that, he practiced atleast 5 days a week. That was about $100 a week in gas. Season ran from June to about the end of March / April. Add in $4,400 in gas. About $11,000 not including gas to games.
Finally, the traveling team was a bit different. The kids got on a bus, roomed with each other, parents rarely went to away games since usually they were states away or even in Canada. The tuition was alot higher but also included practice clothes and jerseys. They also required a boosters "donation" to feed them and provide Gatorade, etc. At this point my brother also got more advanced skates, sticks, etc. On top of that driving about an hour and 15 minutes again to practice but this time virtually every day of the week. I would say this team was right about $12,000 a year maybe more. (Do you add in the car that got totaled one year? ha )
His college team the school pays for alot but they do pay about $2000 between fees and bus food.
Brings you to a total of $133,000 for 20 years of hockey. I would imagine that is a very low estimate as well.
Comparing it to my cheering is really hard because when I started at age 8 (I did gymnastics, dance, and swimming before that), tuition prices were like $45 a month, we competed on wrestling mats at local high schools and that was "allstar" cheerleading circa 1998. That same gym now probably charges like $100 a month now and goes to super nationals and a few others. By the time I was 10, we did go to BATC and cheersport nationals but the tuition fees are almost double now to even compare the costs of our developing sport. By my middle school / high school years, I would say you could compare alot better.
As my brother drove an hour and 15 minute to practice, I drove about an hour to the gym 3 - 4 days a week. Tuition then was about $80 a month I would say, but I either would double team or do a "hip hop" team. Add in uniforms, and a few away competitions and a trip to florida. I would say about $7,000 to $8,000 a year for 7th and 8th grade. Pretty similar to his middle school years.
I switched gyms in 9th grade to FCA and I would say at the same time, the cheer industry had a little bit of a price spike atleast in competitive gyms. That tuition was about $110 a month but I usually crossed over so more like $140 a month for me. We would go to Columbus for about 2 competitions, Jamfest super nationals, and cheersport. Add in some pretty pricey uniforms and a 30 minute drive for 4 days a week. Luckily, I went from like 8 am to 5 pm on Saturdays the one year instead of driving several days. I would say these years were more along $10,000. Right along side with my brothers really competitive yeras.
Now, when I cheered in college freshman year that was a big difference. The school supported us a good bit more then my brothers school supports his team. I had to buy my warm up, my bag, my spankies, etc. They did however buy our uniforms, we didnt pay a "fee" to cheer, and we got pizza at games for free. I paid only about $400 for the year while he paid about $2000 for his D1 club team. Also, with my open team we only pay about $50 a month and not as expensive uniforms. But my brothers "mens league" games he plays for fun are like $20 for the "season". If you dont include private lessons, etc. for the both of us, I would say my 12 years of cheer is coming in at about $90,000 vs his 20 years for about $150,000.
Thanks mom and dad.