I think this is a bit of a misrepresentation about how scientific research and medical advice is performed. It’s not that we don’t know anything, it’s that as our sample size grows we move more from traditional treatment methodologies to more specialized ones. When this started we said we don’t know how to treat this coronavirus, but we know how to treat others so we’ll start with that. Then as more people get sick our knowledge of what is best grows and becomes more accurate.
This is conflicted by political and economic pressure pushing once trusted agencies to release data based on bad science that is now being refuted by those on the front lines and foreign research.
We are very much not in the dark about this. We may not be 100%, but to say we are in the dark is a gross oversimplification of the situation.
Also, I think putting experts in quotation marks makes it pretty clear where you stand in the issue. They are experts. Full stop. They have literal decades of education specifically in infectious disease and epidemiology.
1 in 1,000 Americans died from Covid-19 in the year 2020.
You’re misinterpreting what I said. Obviously there are FACTS that have resulted from research... science is trial and error - (that goes without saying)
Yes, there are things we clearly have come to understand... however there is a LOT of information that still remains unknown and there is STILL ROOM for opinion on some things- and if you revert back to some of my early posts...I “feel” we often make others feel “stupid” by kinda slapping our personal OPINIONS on others sprinkled with THAT knowledge...
Note: I wasn’t calling anyone specifically out for doing that on this forum - but I saw a specific poster said “I just won’t say anything anymore and keep my opinions to myself”...
I’m not exactly sure what all built up to that... but I didn’t think that was right- I didn’t want them to feel made like they shouldn’t or couldn’t speak. One will never become educated if they feel like they can’t have a dialogue.
So I was explaining that they should feel free to express their thoughts (right or wrong) and likewise someone can feel free to give their contrasting opinion back.
It’s the “You're totally wrong, educate yourself”...
Kinda behavior I had spoke about before I was referring to and his/her attitude of “well fine I just won’t say anything” I was trying to explain we are all on an even playing field. Unless you’re literally a virologist/epidemiologist you have just as much ability to google what’s going on the world as anybody else....
because person A has read 7 articles and has a cousin who’s a trauma nurse doesn’t make your ability as person B to become JUST as informed.
And yes, Im sorry... I DO believe we are in the dark- we don’t know much. Besides: it spreads fast, wash your hands, stay 6 ft away, wear a mask and it ravages through our elderly and those with pre existing conditions, etc etc... besides what we see on CNN and read on google, MSN and hear from our family and friends in the medical community. We know very little.
I know we LIKE to think we are informed with our articles and stats but in the grand scheme of things I am humbled to understand I know very little.
I read about this daily... specifics about what it does to your body or places to “avoid”... what we’ve learned about how it spreads and how we are treating it and why we are treating it those ways.
Then we get to how to Manage this?! It’s VERY far from managed anywhere unless you’re lucky to be a small, low populated country surrounded by water and even they still have small surges pop up occasionally. If you even read deep enough Fauci expresses some clear uncertainty that immunization will be a silver bullet to returning to normal with even 90% of the population getting the vaccine.
Everything I read and am told is extremely contradictory and heavily debated in the medical community. Just the other day they were going back to the idea that surface spread may be contributing again when it was determined it wasn’t really a factor. Asymptomatic spread being a major driver and testing, PCR level, long term issues, mutations, we don’t even know how long we REALLY are immune after we have caught COVID, if at all...(this is the latest hot button issue) there’s a ton we just don’t know ...SO MUCH straight from the WHO and CDC on all of these things, split opinions on a lot of information.
So Yes, we as civilians- I believe are pretty close to being in the dark... if not, what we DO know I would deem as extremely “surface area”.
My neighbor who is a very respected doctor said what the medical community fears about COVID MOST is what they DO NOT KNOW... I’m inclined to believe we know even LESS...
Last, you have zero clue where I stand on the issue not that it’s relevant to the conversation-b/c this isn’t about “me”... it was about being able to have a dialogue in a FORUM. (Knock me over, but isn’t that the purpose of said forum)
Me putting quotations around “experts” was broad and general. No, everyone who claims to be an expert is not an expert and you have no clue of what “experts” I’m speaking about. We have had an abundance of individuals with “lab coats” claiming to be at the top of their field shoved on TV/you tube to tell us all sorts of stuff doesn’t mean we should eat up everything they say. That’s why it’s called PRACTICING medicine. I mean this respectfully, please don’t pigeon hole me based on quotation marks.
Hope that clarified...