The majority of southern states have poverty levels 15-20% and I imagine we'll have another dose of perspective when the federal moratorium expires for evictions at the end of the month.
@cheermomforever and
@Knowcheering Pro/college sports also have people with them that can handle minor injuries that youth sports go to Urgent Care and ER's for.
Unrelated to above. While our politicians are busy trying to make the other side of the political aisle look bad, there are people really hurting. I love and respect our healthcare workers, please know I'm extremely grateful for you. All of the "selfish speak" tells me how stressed our medical staff is in many places. With that said, there are millions that would trade places with our medical staff to have an income if they could. Our hospital beds, supplies and staff will be stretched for a long time and I'm truly sorry for that. With that said, these face to face comps are keeping hundreds of people employed, housed, fed and tax money coming in for things such as Medicare, Medicaid, clinical trials, etc. There's no such thing as a frivolous job. To provide a balance, most will hurt financially and be stressed at work.
Stepping off the soap box and returning to BUTBT, the teams are looking good under the circumstances.