Oh Christina please quit your rants and drama. That's what got us here in the first place. But since you must know all the drama because your pathetic and have no life, the only reason I came back on here was to make sure nobody was getting any backlash for your last stupid post as nobody not even me physically threatened you that was a huge lie. Nobody said they we're going to destroy you. Your just rediculous!!! Do you even think before the vomit runs out of your mouth??? Yes I left your gym the level made it very easy and our coach is gone which made it even easier. What a slap in her face-- a 3. And to call me on Mothers Day to talk about it, she could of went back and retried out but I wasn't giving them that kind of satisfaction. She is a full 4 and made a J5, but when your going to stack teams to win because that's how it looks in my eyes because how else are you a full 4 and make a 3-- in which I wasn't paying for-- not at the price of cheer. Then I take you and pretty much everyone else off Facebook to get rid of the momma drama and all your rants and there you are vomiting on here with your OPINIONS about my child's coach and the gym he works for-- not owns anymore so basically your defaming the new owners, investors from Chicago you don't even know-- stick to the facts. But you had none. I hope you did learn a good lesson with your derogatory comments towards my daughter's gym and Craig, I cannot believe your gym would stand behind you at all as then hey are wrong too. You don't put down another business because your in the same business, that's why it's called competition and you should always hope the others well and no thanks we don't need to be prayed for or pitied, just stop with the nasty bullying of my daughter's gym and Craig. They both don't deserve it.