I think we should give Craig the benefit of the doubt and leave it for a court of law to decide. My daughter is new to what was once his gym as it is now owned by a private equity group out of Chicago and them and their workers deserve to move on from this right now. It is also not good for the kids that are a part of fierceboards that have come to love Craig and his family as he is a super nice guy from what Snacks tells me and she misses him a lot as up until a week or so ago he was coaching her. It was a lot to explain to a nine year old especially someone she thought was amazing. And until you work for a gym, you will never understand the countless unpaid hours and time that go into it to keep everyone happy and the love and care they have for your kids that goes completely unnoticed all of the time. Totally sad. Yes it is a business and as a business you need customers to survive but cheer gyms gain family members and treat them as such, when they are down on their luck they treat them like family and keep them in their gym. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do in a business sense,but it's the love they have for you and your child. Most smaller gyms do it and bigger business gyms don't. Whatever he did, he did for the kids and that's what I will truly believe and if the monies went to keep the doors open then that's where it went.but this is speculation and for a court to decide not us. All I can say is that we as a family are behind him 100%.