All-Star Craig El Arrested For Stealing From Gymtyme Ga Families

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Why is that fishy that I think she is making up being threatened? So what if I never have posted before, I am entitled to my opinion. I see you have A LOT of time on your hands as you have posted over 3,000 posts in over 6 years which is more than at least 2 a day. Go take a good hard look in the mirror!!!

Please DO NOT come into this community and start putting down members who contribute to it. FierceBoard is a treasured part of many of our lives as cheer parents, and comments like yours are so disrespectful.
To clarify, because I feel there is a misunderstanding of my initial intent, in our code of conduct we agree to not gossip, spread rumors, disrespect etc - both on social media and in public - regarding OTHER gyms. Especially when using handles identifying our gym itself. Hopefully that makes things more clear(er than mud) ;)

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I don't know. I also don't believe in coming onto a forum and making a baseless threat to a customer/former customer who is clearly upset about her experience.
But by the looks of it (since she seemed to have deleted all her posts) you got what you wanted.
I guess you can go back to thinking everything is rainbows and sunshine.

I dont have a dog in this fight, but people are entitled to their opinions, and I'm guessing since you dont know her personally, you dont know her experience with said gym.
So because you go to a gym in the same state you aren't allowed to comment on anything about this topic? The poster hasn't said anything out of line.
Emmy is completely correct in what she said. These two gyms have been rival gyms for awhile and have tried really hard to make amends with friends equally being at each place for years. This woman was completely out of line and lied, she has taken down all her posts from the backlash she has received here and from her acquaintances over the years. She was not stating facts, and kicking someone when they are down is equally wrong. We don't live in Georgia, we were not a part of this and this is a legal matter and we live in America where everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Yes you have an opinion, but if it sucks and it is clearly going to bring a business down not knowing who owns it, keep it to yourself. In the end it makes you look like a better person. We are new to this gym and giving it a chance.Whether right or wrong everyone deserves a second chance.
So because you go to a gym in the same state you aren't allowed to comment on anything about this topic? The poster hasn't said anything out of line.
Wasn't a turf war. Someone from my gym made some posts regarding another local gym and owner named in the thread. I referred them to the handbook about what they were posting. And then we all popped popcorn and I won the award for the most childish answer of Ditto. LOL.
Emmy if these people are giving you problems trust me they shouldn't. Your ICE cheer mom is out of the Barrington gym as I know her very well. She is just one of many reasons we left. She was completely out of line and I have all her posts she chose to delete. She is dead wrong to speak of a gym,my child's new gym that isn't even owned by this gentleman anymore, but a private equity fund. The people she wasn't thinking about was the innocent people the people that stillwork there and some of them are kids we watched grow up that now coach there. I'm not sure how you can put someone's job at risk by making accusations of their workplace that are untrue and live with yourself. I personally don't think she is human. I thank you for pointing out that she needs to uphold the bylaws and what she signed at her gym because Eric dosent seem to care as she stated. And she should change her name too because as ICE cheer-mom you are representing ICE and all of ICE.
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Gym owner charged in cheerleading fee thefts

Hopefully this will make gym owners think twice about taking advantage of cheerleaders and their families.
I think we should give Craig the benefit of the doubt and leave it for a court of law to decide. My daughter is new to what was once his gym as it is now owned by a private equity group out of Chicago and them and their workers deserve to move on from this right now. It is also not good for the kids that are a part of fierceboards that have come to love Craig and his family as he is a super nice guy from what Snacks tells me and she misses him a lot as up until a week or so ago he was coaching her. It was a lot to explain to a nine year old especially someone she thought was amazing. And until you work for a gym, you will never understand the countless unpaid hours and time that go into it to keep everyone happy and the love and care they have for your kids that goes completely unnoticed all of the time. Totally sad. Yes it is a business and as a business you need customers to survive but cheer gyms gain family members and treat them as such, when they are down on their luck they treat them like family and keep them in their gym. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do in a business sense,but it's the love they have for you and your child. Most smaller gyms do it and bigger business gyms don't. Whatever he did, he did for the kids and that's what I will truly believe and if the monies went to keep the doors open then that's where it went.but this is speculation and for a court to decide not us. All I can say is that we as a family are behind him 100%.
I am curious if his Illinois location has new owners why the secrecy? I have a hard time believing that investors invested in it? There is not a lot of $ to be made in Allstar Cheer unless you own Varsity.

Also, if he violated the rules of USASF he will lose his accreditation if he is found guilty or takes a plea which is an admission of guilt.

The whole thing stinks especially for the athletes, the ones that love the sport, their gym and their lifelong friendships they have made
The gym came out and stayed that the gym is now owned by a private equity fund out of Chicago and funds are being controlled and a CFO was appointed to control those funds. Big cities have these private equity funds and what they are are a number of investors that take interest in a business either for a gain or a loss of their own said other investments. It's very popular in New York and in Chicago.
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So if everyone cannot tell this is what I've been dealing with. To those staring I lied here is the proof. These posts have already found their way to Ice. This person started an account to keep this struff going and contacted me via my personal number. Those also made their way to Ice. The great thing about social media and texts etc is you have a record . She did not leave this gym because of me. She left because of a level issue after she just like above called out the names, on Facebook, called them liars and then changed gyms. Completely her choice.
Until my post I had never had any issues with this person. Now she's o a vendetta as evidenced by her posts. I've taken all my posts down because whether true or not they had NO place on this board. I've learned a valuable lesson. As far as my name goes I've tried changing my name as I am not nor ever will be a representative of any gym. As of now the name change is in the hand of the Administrator or a complete deletion whatever she sees fit. I cannot locate anyplace to do that. My posts did not put any employee in jeapordy that's just a plain mis interpretation. I just don't have that kind of power. That comment is again used to try to demean me and keep this going. My post is there to point out what happens when you post something that should not have been there in the first place. As far as a code of conduct goes as I stated I immediately brought this to the attention of the gym. Not sugar coating my posts etc. Ive already had that discussion with the gym. Now I'm sure I'll have yet another discussion about these posts. This will be my last post on this board. Anything having to do with ownership for any business can be located on your States site so people can do their own research at any point. It's all public record. Courts make decisions not people. We all have opinions but it means absolutely nothing.
Oh Christina please quit your rants and drama. That's what got us here in the first place. But since you must know all the drama because your pathetic and have no life, the only reason I came back on here was to make sure nobody was getting any backlash for your last stupid post as nobody not even me physically threatened you that was a huge lie. Nobody said they we're going to destroy you. Your just rediculous!!! Do you even think before the vomit runs out of your mouth??? Yes I left your gym the level made it very easy and our coach is gone which made it even easier. What a slap in her face-- a 3. And to call me on Mothers Day to talk about it, she could of went back and retried out but I wasn't giving them that kind of satisfaction. She is a full 4 and made a J5, but when your going to stack teams to win because that's how it looks in my eyes because how else are you a full 4 and make a 3-- in which I wasn't paying for-- not at the price of cheer. Then I take you and pretty much everyone else off Facebook to get rid of the momma drama and all your rants and there you are vomiting on here with your OPINIONS about my child's coach and the gym he works for-- not owns anymore so basically your defaming the new owners, investors from Chicago you don't even know-- stick to the facts. But you had none. I hope you did learn a good lesson with your derogatory comments towards my daughter's gym and Craig, I cannot believe your gym would stand behind you at all as then hey are wrong too. You don't put down another business because your in the same business, that's why it's called competition and you should always hope the others well and no thanks we don't need to be prayed for or pitied, just stop with the nasty bullying of my daughter's gym and Craig. They both don't deserve it.
I'm at the beach this week. Tag the posts that are personnel attacks and the staff will look at them. If they violate terms of service they will be addresses.

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I think we should give Craig the benefit of the doubt and leave it for a court of law to decide. My daughter is new to what was once his gym as it is now owned by a private equity group out of Chicago and them and their workers deserve to move on from this right now. It is also not good for the kids that are a part of fierceboards that have come to love Craig and his family as he is a super nice guy from what Snacks tells me and she misses him a lot as up until a week or so ago he was coaching her. It was a lot to explain to a nine year old especially someone she thought was amazing. And until you work for a gym, you will never understand the countless unpaid hours and time that go into it to keep everyone happy and the love and care they have for your kids that goes completely unnoticed all of the time. Totally sad. Yes it is a business and as a business you need customers to survive but cheer gyms gain family members and treat them as such, when they are down on their luck they treat them like family and keep them in their gym. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do in a business sense,but it's the love they have for you and your child. Most smaller gyms do it and bigger business gyms don't. Whatever he did, he did for the kids and that's what I will truly believe and if the monies went to keep the doors open then that's where it went.but this is speculation and for a court to decide not us. All I can say is that we as a family are behind him 100%.
You are always allowed to give anyone you choose the benefit of the doubt. However, it's pretty ridiculous to demand that others do too. If I'm understanding correctly, you knowingly moved your child to a gym that had financial and legal struggles because you were insulted that your child was not placed on a high enough team? Good on you. You've got plenty of reason to keep benefiting from the doubt that others have. But your tirade should be insulting to people who have truly invested their time, and their belief in this gym despite the troubles they had originally. Not sure why you would put yourself out there as the spokesperson, and make it personal at this point. It's not a good look for an already struggling gym.
You are always allowed to give anyone you choose the benefit of the doubt. However, it's pretty ridiculous to demand that others do too. If I'm understanding correctly, you knowingly moved your child to a gym that had financial and legal struggles because you were insulted that your child was not placed on a high enough team? Good on you. You've got plenty of reason to keep benefiting from the doubt that others have. But your tirade should be insulting to people who have truly invested their time, and their belief in this gym despite the troubles they had originally. Not sure why you would put yourself out there as the spokesperson, and make it personal at this point. It's not a good look for an already struggling gym.

Spot on! Thank you for your thoughtful mature response on this matter.

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