KT, I'll give you a hint, the staff told me after they saw the Co-ed score sheet Day 1 that SE was in trouble due to tumbling before prelims. This proved to be correct after prelims, and although the major mistake Day 1 was sloppy jumps, the tumbling synchronization killed that routine and it's score compared to F5. F5 was just better. The dance was just icing on the cake. We would not have won if they hit perfect Day 2. There was talk of changing the tumbling passes that night after premlims but it was 11:30 and no gym was available. I don't think that would have worked either, as you know what happens when you change something that complex the night before the biggest event of the year and we were just .2 behind. So it was not our year and it had nothing to do with any one thing, but a combination of all things and that said, MAJOR PROPS to F5, you got it right and hit the routine and WC, great performances. The members of these three teams are truly blessed to be able to compete with eachother on that level. No heads down in Kernersville and I'll bet in Freehold. We're all coming back for more much to the delight of cheer fans everywhere and F5 has the gold this year and the target square on the backs of their pretty uniforms. We're excited. New team, a lot of new members, but enough returnees to keep it going. We are moving on.