Why did I even open this thread?! I honestly hesitated going back onto the boards after worlds in general haha Thank you @
cheerKT for your thoughtful and tasteful posts...I really don't think a "short" dance cost them the loss/placement. All three teams (F5, WCSS, and SE) worked their butts off to simply place in that Top 3 spot. IMO all of them have a lot to be proud of regardless of placement. Their division is intense and pretty much unpredictable, but they gave it their all on the floor and showed how badly they wanted it. I cannot even begin to imagine the hard work, dedication, and teamwork put in by these 3 teams! Before you post reasons for losing, try to remember everything these ladies put forth this year. Just think, all of us fans out here were nervous wrecks-imagine actually being in their shoes..whole different story.