All-Star Discuss The Rules: Level 4/5 Standing Tumbling

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Best Parent
Cheer Parent
Mar 23, 2010
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Modify Skill progressions for standing tumbling in Level 4 and Level 5 to one skill level lower than running tumbling.

I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this rule. It would drop down the allowed difficulty for standing tumbling in level 5 to ONLY allow standing to fulls. I will not even begin to explain what it would do to level 4 because I still do not understand it. Perhaps someone else could explain.

I am completely AGAINST eliminating standing tumbling to double fulls. Yes it is personal, my cp has worked hard for the last 3 years to accomplish several passes to double standing. HOWEVER, I will wholeheartedly support Miss Debbie Love's viewpoint that restricting the tumbling is only a bandaid to the real problem, which is teaching the basics right, and making sure athletes are conditioned enough to throw these skills.

If standing through to doubles are eliminated, what will become the new "must have" for level 5 teams? Standing full punch fulls, hand full punch fulls, hand full full bounceback to full full full? Do you really think that athletes who were afraid to DOUBLE standing will be any more likely to go out and get these types of skills? Do you really feel that these skills are safer?? Do you think that teams will just decide NOT to push for these types of skills, when the big dogs are still putting them in their routines?

In my unprofessional opinion, BOUNDING skills are much more dangerous than double twisting skills, so I will not accept the arguement that they are unsafe WHEN REPLACING THEM with bounding skills like full full fulls. I will concur that standing to doubles CAN be unsafe, and it should be at the coaches discretion as to whether athletes are equiped with the strength and technique to throw these skills. But that is what it should be now: coaches discretion.

Lastly, the standing tumbling score encompasses ALL standing tumbling in level 5: standing fulls, bh fulls, 2 to fulls, bh dubs, 2 to dubs, 2 to whip dubs, blah blah blah. Every gym has athletes on level 5 teams that will never want to work standing to doubles, and THAT IS OK. I really can't see it making that huge of a difference on the standing tumbling score!! With all due respect, Elaine, if you have girls quitting because they don't want to get standing to doubles, then perhaps you should leave them in the standing to fulls section and have them work on perfect standing to fulls, while the girls who WANT to work standing to doubles are allowed to safely throw them. Don't restrict those who have the talent and ability to safely perform standing to doubles and have for years.

VOTE NO ON 38!!!

Let me summerize for Mrs. Wordy up there.


Why is the font all jacked up in my post? LOL......I guess it is from pasting from the voting slate....
My solutions for those who don't want to work standing to doubles:
1) get a standing full
2) get on a Sr. Open 5 where all you can do are fulls
Or 3) get over it....your on a level 5 team for a reason
I don't think teams/people that have the talent and drive should be limited
Ok, no what? You are voting no? Sorry about the wordy......Not much fires me up anymore, but this one does.

It is an interesting idea, but terribly worded and would not accomplish the issue Mrs. Love was trying to fix. So I say 'No'.
Oh I forgot the other option: don't work hard, get over fears, and make yourself better like others that do have standing to can just do choreo....or pop-a-squat in the back. Sorry if it sounds mean but that's my opinion.
No No No NO NO NO......

I am in the same boat as Mrs. Level5Mom up there. My CP worked too hard to gain the skills she has and to tell her she can't do them will devistate her. She has gained these elite skills safely and at proper rate of progression. Instead of taking up rules about lessening skills - take up rules on instituting a CONDITIONING program.

Bounding skills reak more havoc on your body than a single twisting skill (IMHO). especially if you are NOT propertly conditioned for it. The contant pounding punching to the next skill is alot more work and over use of the ankles. I am not expert in this field but only know what my CP tells me when she is working her skills.

So I would vote NO to number 38.
I'll be voting No. The way it is written leaves many many holes and causes progression issues between 4 and 5.
No No No NO NO NO......

I am in the same boat as Mrs. Level5Mom up there. My CP worked too hard to gain the skills she has and to tell her she can't do them will devistate her. She has gained these elite skills safely and at proper rate of progression. Instead of taking up rules about lessening skills - take up rules on instituting a CONDITIONING program.

Bounding skills reak more havoc on your body than a single twisting skill (IMHO). especially if you are NOT propertly conditioned for it. The contant pounding punching to the next skill is alot more work and over use of the ankles. I am not expert in this field but only know what my CP tells me when she is working her skills.

So I would vote NO to number 38.
can we all say it.......
where is it???? Why is not there????? Gymnasts have it, football has hit, why don't we??
so what would this rule do to level 4 standing tumbling ?

My interpetation would be Level 4 you can now do standing hand to layout. If they lower it 1 level it would then be you can only do hand tuck.

So that would mean Level 4 would be hand to tuck and level 5 would be hand full - where is the progression of learning the next skill needed (layout) in order to progress to a full. You need to perfect your layout (flatboard - not piked) in order to properly learn to twist that layout to a full. Did I explain that right?