I'm genuinely curious: do you feel, as a gym, that you are the exception or the rule? Do you think your goal (of having the drive to do well/better each year) is common for gyms of your size/skill level (even from 2010 to 2011)?
It seems the general conception here is that the difference between the small, medium, large, and mega gyms is the focus at/for/in pursuit of Worlds and a Worlds Title. That for some small gyms, it's 'Get to Worlds for the "experience" every year', but what they do with that "experience" as a gym is...well, I just don't know. DO they do anything with that 'experience' except use it as a marketing tool for new clients? Do the kids come back saying 'I want to do better next year', or as the idea seems to be here, 'Well that was a fun cheer-cation, yay Florida and my new tan, on to next season!'
Your gym sounds like the type that says 'We want to be the best we can at each level and be better every year.' I remember how proud everyone was of your accomplishments at that particular Worlds. The fire they came back with was exceptional- however, what I'm worried about (and what most people seem to be worried about), is that you are the exception. That creating this division will cave to the people who look at worlds as a fun vacation-y event that just happens to be about cheer. That might not be true, but that's the vibe I get. I'd have to seriously sit down and crunch numbers, watch videos, and review placements from the last 5 worlds or so (2007/8- 2013) and see where the divide is.