I love, love, love horror movies. The only one that has ever gotten to me was Candy Man. My eldest sister got it based on name alone and my parents were out of town, my sister & brother & I stayed awake until the sun came up and I didn't shut the bathroom door for a few months. Aside from that, nothing bugs me.
Thanks to good ole' Monster High CP wanted to know who Poltergeist was; his son is in the Haunted movie, and after begging and begging and begging to watch the movie we relented. She loved it and laughed at the scary parts. She told me she saw something on YouTube before clicking it off and I was able to figure out it was a trailer for It. I told her no way to that one until she's at least 13. Clowns are creepy enough.
I definitely think the Elf is creepy and while I'm glad some parents don't use it in the 'you're being watched' mentality, I know plenty who do and that in itself is alarming. While I may not jump on the professor's theory, the rationale behind it makes sense---perhaps not in the short term, but potentially in the long term. It can be said that a lot of things in history happened despite people believing it never could---Hitler ringing any bells? I'm not a conspiracy theorists, personally, but I do find them to be nothing, if not, fascinating to listen to. However, I also know the Elf would never last in our house---DP would have that thing killed in no time. Who knows what she'd actually do to make it go away, but it would...she does not like to be looked at by family members or peers, the Elf wouldn't stand a chance.