OT Dresses

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krystynakrez it's just sitting in my closet doing nothing now, I'd love for someone else to experience wearing such a gorgeous dress! :) Maybe I can hand deliver it to the states so I can come see all my fav cheer teams :D
senior homecoming


i LOVE this dress
I didn't get to go to my junior prom last year (because worlds fell on that weekend) I really don't want to spend the most money because worlds is the weekend after my prom does anyone know any good shops online to look? Where i live there are not that many stores with cute dresses.
I didn't get to go to my junior prom last year (because worlds fell on that weekend) I really don't want to spend the most money because worlds is the weekend after my prom does anyone know any good shops online to look? Where i live there are not that many stores with cute dresses.
promgirl.com has tons!

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