YEARS ago when cp was still in rec, we always did a cheer comp at the end of the year. There was one team that won- every stinking year while ours never did well since we were military and we were considered "the rich kids" we were always docked for the silliest of things, our kids were booed, told they were worthless, every team would get cheered for except ours etc. Well, this one team had a habit of every time 2nd place was announced, their coach would stand up and throw her we're #1 finger up to illicit huge screaming for their team knowing they had won yet again, never allowing 2nd place to have their moment to shine. This one particular year (cps last year in rec) they were calling out placements, got to 2nd, she stood up doing her normal thing....only to have her team name called out for 2nd...... The celebration quickly turned quiet and you could seriously hear a pin drop. The kids and coaches were beyond mad and when we were named as champions they pulled the "rich military kids paid off the judges" and as they were leaving, the coach made every single child throw away their 2nd place trophy because she only trains winners.
I felt sorry for those children for so many reasons.....