All-Star Fake Social Networking Accounts 2

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I just saw "Grumpy Cheer Cat" post good-bye to Nicole and was curious. I knew I could find out real quick on here!!

Those who know me well know I am against bullying, especially through social media. But, sorry, if you are stealing identies, I don't care!!

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!!

Have a nice day!
seriously though what is gained by 'calling' people out publicly over twitter?

krystynakrez deserves credit for being a very responsible twitter user. Besides her well known personal account she runs one of the biggest cheer twitters around and has always been very responsible to her large groups of followers. I have a lot of respect for the maturity she shows as a young lady.

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@krystenakrez deserves credit for being a very responsible twitter user. Besides her well known personal account she runs one of the biggest cheer twitters around and has always been very responsible to her large groups of followers. I have a lot of respect for the maturity she shows as a young lady.

Sent from the Fierce Board App that's cooler than ACEDAD's

Yes and I see that, I personally don't have a problem with her. The issue here that I have isn't with one specific user, my issue is with the followers who then begin to call the said 'catfish' freaks, weirdos, and pathetic losers.

Maybe I just have a really unpopular opinion here but I still choose to see the best in people and by that most of the time when I see who's behind the cat fishing, it's somebody who needs a break from their own reality because they're not getting the help or attention they need to handle their own life mentally. Everybody can say this is a cop out, excuse or whatever but honestly how many times have you had it so hard that you just want to stop living your life and take somebody else's ? maybe you feel like it'd be better then your own in your current situation. I know that I have (although I never have gone that far as to faking who I am over the Internet) life's hard and some times we all just need a break from drama and the outside world to get over it. No I don't think it's right and people do what they have to do in order to cope. But I feel like its a huge problem in society. Maybe I'm putting too much emphasis on mental health and maybe that's not even the issue here. But until I just see and am proven otherwise that its not a mental health issue I'm going to see it as such. So to reiterate my point here because I get babbley when I type a lot is these people create fake lives to (possibly) escape a tough reality, maybe they did it because they wanted power over somebody the way their bullies held power over them, maybe they did it because they have a broken home, are dealing with illness, and handicapped children? For whatever reason people use these accounts it seems to me that they make them to have some sort of 'genuine' relationship they feel they could never had. And when these people's secrets are exposed publicly and they begin to be harassed by thousands of followers, being bullied and being called psycho and crazy. Their whole world has once again been shaken up, so obviously they're going to deny it, block users over twitter and continue in their fantasy world for as long as they possibly can.
Fair enough. But calling people out isn't the issue if it is done in a responsible manner, it's bullying people after they are exposed.

No one is stopping or judging people for trying to have any type of alternate reality. Look at me, my name isn't really "Sharkdad". But that alternate reality should never be negative toward others. Those people should be corrected and reminded that what ever they want to call themselves or act like, they should not harass anyone if they don't share the same interests.

Oh, and I find no protection for anyone who in any way targets kids, good or bad. That's just flat out wrong and should always be stopped.

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Off subject but.... ACEDAD i love your signature. I just lol'd in AP psych... And now I'm getting weird looks. Haha anyways... Back to the thread...

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Where I think the catfish thing goes from someone trying to escape reality to something more serious is when the catfish starts using photos etc to assume someone else's "real" reality.

There is a difference between being a different version of yourself online and taking someone else's identity.
if a person needs escape from their reality, make an anon account. thats completely fine and probably not a single person will say something. the issues start when you pretend that you are someone else. pretty much the ONLY reason people are concerned with fiercesport is because she said she was on stars. If she hadn't said anything, no one would have questioned her
I agree. I made up fake names online when I was younger, both for a change and a means of protection against creepers. However, none of them were ever real people, and I never hid behind that persona and used it to bully people. This has gone beyond lonely kid and into identity theft. Someone is using you as a prop to slander your own reputation. Sometimes that needs a full exposure sort of thing.

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I was in touch with the real girl's sister and she told me that the family has known about the Nicole account for months. They contacted twitter and Facebook and were told that nothing can be done about it. She also told me it caused a lot of uncomfortableness among the whole family. She told me that she's been contacting random cheerleaders for a while now just to see if they know anything. Hopefully they will be able to put a stop to all of it.

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I was in touch with the real girl's sister and she told me that the family has known about the Nicole account for months. They contacted twitter and Facebook and were told that nothing can be done about it. She also told me it caused a lot of uncomfortableness among the whole family. She told me that she's been contacting random cheerleaders for a while now just to see if they know anything. Hopefully they will be able to put a stop to all of it.

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she blocked me on twitter when i didnt say a word to her..
Oddly enough, a few months back I was looking at The Major roster for Panthers. I accidently pressed Bailey Payton, and when I got to twitter, she was following me... I don't even use my twitter so I thought it was fake. But it wasn't. Cool but weird.
I think that a lot of people who are notorious and have twitter accounts follow people who rarely tweet. That way, it looks like they are following a lot of people, but in reality, their feed is probably empty...

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