I'm going to try and type a long story short here...
I had been researching this subject for a couple of days. I came across someone who cheers in Staten Island, who listed "shooting staww (inmydreams)" on her facebook account, and attended the high school to which FierceSport posted a uniform picture of.
Now, Fiercesport messaged me this morning saying how all of my tweets about Nicole last night were untrue and that she's known her for such a long time and that Nicole's mom used to be her gymnastics coach. I asked her if they were friends and she told me that they are acquaintances.
Then a few hours later, I got another message from Fiercesport, saying, "Oh and if you think I'm ___ _____ that's not correct either lol"
(The name she provided is the name of the girl who I was talking about up there^)
I didn't answer her back.
So I went on twitter and searched @NicoleNortesano to see if she had tweeted recently, when I came across a tweet saying, "EVERYONE GO FOLLOW @ NICOLENORTESANO , she is catfishing people and using my friend's pictures!!!!!! Go follow and spam her!!!!!" So I tweeted this girl, and she talked to me for a while and explained that the girl in "Nicole's" pictures is actually named Paulina, and she attended the same school that was listed on the girl whose facebook I was talking about, which is also the school that FierceSport had posted a uniform picture of.
Consider this catfish reeled in.