Back from a great CHEERSPORT weekend in Charlotte NC... seing a bunch of great ideas here and we are working to implement some of them already! Thanks for the continued feedback.... and here's what we are up against:
A good fast duplication on USB is possible and a la carte ordering we can do right away (as a matter of fact if there are any teams from CHEERSPORT nationals that anyone would like to get as a DVD or HD online please contact us) We can offer that service at any cheer event we film, but it may not always be possible to put it together on the spot and we would have to mail it out. Instant upload in HD quality from professional cameras is not something do-able yet, and it would take a bit of time to put that online as well. We are looking at online delivery on a "pay-per-download" in the week following an event.... realizing that getting them up as quick as possible is they key to the success there.
A major drawback to USB and online downloads from a business standpoint are the ease in "pirating" copies since it is so easy to do... and EVERYONE is doing it. There needs to be an understanding of copy and share rights. Realistically there is some legal , as well as ethical and moral, responsibility of both the person who buys a video and the person who makes their own to use that only for their personal viewing. Making copies to sell, sharing on Youtube or Facebook and any public performance of a video violates U.S. copyright laws. (take a look at them here: ) Those rules apply when you are at a cheer event and use your own camera. Even more precise are the Digital Millennium Copyright laws.
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Our standpoint has been to look the other way, but due to blatant disregard such as a parent or coach filming routines and selling them as well as numerous postings of video on public viewing sites, we have had to change how we deal with it. Again it comes back to the issue of how you use that personal video you take.