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- #46
Oh my. I might actually HAVE TO follow @NEliteSteven 's advice and open my own gym...because I sure am not getting ANY work done today!
If it's possible I think I agree with everyone so far? Can that happen? I think yes, coaches should be OK with phone calls. I think coaches should make time to talk to parents. I think coaches need their own lives and should be able to go to dinner or SLEEP without us bugging them about tick tocks. I genuinely think if we were to read all of both of these threads, coaches and parents would HAVE TO think to themselves at least once out of the whole 2 thread "Oh...oops....I think I've done that."
I think the best we can ask of each other is this: JUST THINK FIRST. Think "Is this something I have to take care of NOW? Or can I maybe call/email her coach about it tomorrow sometime?" "Do I really have to spot her this second? Or is it more important that I coach this girl who is paying by the minute?" "Do I have to eat NOW? Or can I wait 5 minutes and then run and eat in the office?" "Hm...I think I'll post a Facebook status. What should I say?"
I agree, we've all done some of these things, and I don't want it to sound like one call from you at an inconvienent time will make me hate you. But if I don't answer, please don't get offended. I also am not mad when I get calls outside of gym time, just understand what is an appropiate time. All i ask for is common sense, which is also what parents want from the coaches. I have even called parents to check on kids. For example, after this tryouts, I knew I had a level one athlete who really really wanted to be level 2 but didn't throw her BHS at tryotus (she has worked extremely hard and is very very close). There are no level 2 athletes at my gym without one (asides from senior 2 where we didn't have enough senior aged 1s to justify creating a seperate team, or to combine them with our youth/junior 1 to create a large team in a harder to compete in division). I called the mom after tryout results were posted to check on how her CP was doing and to let her know how excited I am to have her again, and to assure her that we wouldn't stop working on that bhs. However, I will say that his mom and family is one of my favorites, in that all of our interactions have been positive. She knows I'm busy, so she usually texts and asks if I will call her on my own time, She is just a friendly person overall and never pushes for her kid to be the star and realizes that I am not perfect, and doesn't expect me too. I have many parents like this one at my gym, I would say more parents like her (and the quiet, never complain and not much interaction but the hello's and how are you days) than I do the not as friendly ones.
Coaches are a dime a dozen, so are gyms, however good ones aren't. I understand parents frustration as they rotate through gyms to find the best fit for them, and I think many, like @Just-a-Mom have had less than perfect experiences and really just want to make sure that there kids are receiving a positive experience. I understand that totally. They expect us to be proffesional and courteous, like we should be. They are also just as busy if not more than we are, that comes with being a parent or so I hear ;) I also understand that while they might have to take second jobs to pay for cheer, I take my second job because I love my second job. Its a difference. When I have my parents meetings for my squads, I make sure to lay out those expectations for myself as well too the parents.
It is also the job of the parents to make sure we are upholding these expectations, (not putting their daughter in the air or other things aren't included in these expectations) but I will say the most professional thing you can do is call a meeting between the coach involved and their superior if they are not being proffesional, and if we are talking about private lessons, stop paying them the outrageous fees and pay someone else. You ARE the customer after all.
It sounds like most parents are not understanding fully.. I think your looking at it as its 1 phone call and we should make time for it.. but I think alot of you are forgettin that in some programs there are over 200 All Star Athletes (my gym) so its not just 1 parent or a small amount of time.. If I take a phone call from a parent they most likely last for 45mins to over an hour. Very few of the calls I receive are complaining.. Mostly its parents wanting updates or just talk cheer and about there CP. So yes we dont have the time, which is are only free time for friends or family, to talk to you. At the gym yes. But you are 1 of many parents probably wanting to talk. You'll get it once you realize that. WE WILL TALK TO YOU lol but at the gym is the best place to get it done or over email. We coaches most of the time LIVE and BREATHE CHEER.. Its always talked about because most of our friends also coach or are involved.. we too need a break from it sometime even if it just 2 hours a day lol
I defiinitely agree with everything you say. I will gladly return texts and emails, and phone calls if it is not extremely inconvenient, but I do need a break from cheer every once in a while, and if i am consuming my free time with it, at least it is by my own choice.