Cheer Parent
- Nov 3, 2010
- 223
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Whats sad is I know so many people who arent preparing their children for the real world both how things are done in the sports world and in everyday society. Ill use an example that has recently been discussed in my family. My mother was simply an amazing softball player (i say this because her friends and sisters will back up that statement with examples ;) ) She was awesome because she practiced her butt off. Alone. No one told her to go throw bricks to make her arms stronger. No one told her to go pitch against the fence and pick up each and evey ball she threw. She did it because she wanted to be the best of the best. Her coaches made her and her teammates feel like rockstars because they worked their arse off to get that playing time. Its not like that today. Now, you have to give kids equal playing time. And Im not saying every child has to be simply amazing in order for me to pay attention to them. What I am saying is if you as a parent want susie to be point flyer, point dancer, point jumper, whatever it is it may be, then your child needs to work. Plain and simple. And I dont just mean with me at practice. I mean on their own time. Thats how I was raised and thats what I did. I wasnt the coveted number 4 batter because I didnt work hard enough to do it and that was my own fault. But I did work hard enough to play only the single best position in softball ever: third base. :)
As far as everyday interaction I was taught if I wanted respect I better treat people with respect. I was taught to be kind and I definitely wasnt taught to roll my eyes. Nowadays, it seems as if every child has been fed this mentality that they are rockstars no matter what and I need to treat them that way. I cant even begin to imagine saying some of the things I hear children say to their parents. If my grandmother heard that, I would probably be dead right now. If I am to be a part of this journey with you as a parent, I need that respect that I give you and your children everyday I am with them. I dont want to see Susie roll her eyes when she blatantly drops Abby and has to face the consequences. I dont want Susie to talk back to me when the WHOLE team has to run for warm ups. This journey starts at home and I would appreciate some parents I witness stepping up to the plate and teaching your kids some manners (harsh? Probably). I dont doubt its tough to be a parent and I see so many raising awesome children. But it is very sad to see some children who really dont deserve all the good they have been given. There comes a point when you need to stop feeding into the childs "Im so awesome" mentality.
LOVE THIS! Wish I could shimmy your post 100 million times!