- Apr 13, 2011
- 739
- 268
I would certainly hope you would recommend to Susie that she discuss this with the coach before you decide that you need to say something. Not trying to be rude in any way, but that's one of those things that it's not our job, as parents, to notice or to address.
Sounds like a perfect memo that may need to be put out :)
I tell the parents at every parent meeting that if they have any issues or concerns to please contact me or pull me aside at the end of practice along with the kids. The kids are good about coming to me with issues and we see what we can do about it. I also tell them when it comes time for competition that they can talk to me during the competition but when it gets down to the 2hrs til they compete I'm doing hair makeup and trying to make sure everyone has their uniform perfect so I don't have time to talk unless its almost heart attack important otherwise it can wait til later that day. Sometimes theres just those parents that don't ever listen and never want to. :/