All-Star Funny things your coaches say!

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one of our coaches always tells us "knockers up!" when we land tumbling.

and she always loves to yell (in front of the entire backroom at warmups "Wash and flush!" when we tell her we have to go to the bathroom.

she also always tells us our boobs are growing or we just have to poop! if someone says their back is hurting or really anything is hurting
This thread has been really funny, I wish I had kept a book of all the funny things Court has done/said over the years. She is hilarious and most of the time isn't even trying to be.

Okay here's 1.

Court........."Little Bit please don't make me yell at you in front of your mama"
Me.........."Go ahead yell at her"
Court........."You're in trouble now"

"Abby your basket looks like a fart! Stand up please!"
Sorry some how I press reply

The funny things my coaches have said is
" What the Ham sandwich" ... We were having choreography and one of our team mates had her hair wrap/do rag on and when he wanted her to come to him instead of calling her by her name he called her "Sojourner Truth" we all busted out laughing and even the coaches laughed to.

When the same choreographer was see who could tumble he split us up between who could and could not and he call the one who could not tumble SPECTATORS and his reason why is because they have the same skills as the people watching us. And of course we laughed again.


what choreographer was this??? was this sinel from ICE???
oh boy my coach says hilarious things every two seconds!!! and if you met him youd know
I died when my coach said "Raise your hand if your not back from the bathroom." Everyone looked at her and raised their hand lol. Then she realized what she said and now every comp she asks us. hahaha.
@CIAgiraffe - just you wait, one of these days one of you is going to say "y'all" , we southerners (and especially Texans)tend to infect/improve -take your pick- those we are around:p. Do they also use the term "fixin to", as in "I'm fixin to do that right now."
Omg, so many things! One of my coaches is really demanding, which is great. I hate coaches who think sloppy is okay. So every time this particular coache says something positive about something someone accomplished the whole team applauses, then bursts in laughs. :p
I have to say, while reading this thread I was literally audiably laughing. I am a coach, and I have to say I have probably said many of these things on many occasions, so I can appreciate how funny and true these situations are.

I think the funniest thing I have said to my kids is:
"The only reason to miss practice is if your dead. So dont get dead, and we will see you tomorrow!"

" Oh suzie, dont do that dance, hunny it belongs on the pole."

" hows your face? Good? Do it again."
My highschool coach is a riot

"So so your getting flexible....I like this new boyfriend of yours"

"Bye girls have fun this weekend don't get pregnant don't do drugs and if you come to practice hung over not my problem."

"Tanyer would you shut up and just get in the stunt"

" Tanyer if you don,t shut up I'm throwing my shoe at you.
But coach mak u have heels on... fine here's a sharpie"
She did infact throw a sharpie at me haha
oh goodness i have about 3843274 sayings that my coaches have but the biggest one that we all always laugh at is "y'all"

We are a new york gym and our coaches/owners are from texas so everytime they say y'all we crack up year after year it's still funny.

Shan it never gets old lol.There are so many funny things our coaches have said. one of the recent things from this weekend at comp was we were taking a team picture with our coaches. All of the teams in our gym are named after animals and we are the tigers. We decided we wanted a picture with all of us throwing our claws up. Everyone put theres up and my coach adam who was already laying on the floor in front of us threw up is claw and goes i feel so seductive doing this. Needless to say we all burst out laughing hysterically.
"C'mon guys, aren't you tired of losing? Can't you just hit your routine twice already so we can win?"

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