"while you can never look into ones Head and 100 % know what they are feeling, i think it goes a little far to bring up suicide here. Gabi seems like a very grown up, stable and supported Person Who Has been in the public eye since she was a Child. This is most probably not the First time someone has said something mean to her and she obviously knows how to handle it. Someone who commits suicide because of bullying can't really be compared to this Situation. I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion. "
First off I did not quote anything out of context, own what you say. And secondly, I'm sorry you see educating as yelling? Lastly, I don't recall stating you support "all adults who assaults children", I simply tried to explain to you the situation is similar, very similar to many of the teen suicides. The difference; this child had family support and a great support system and she didn't take her life. Others may not be so lucky. Introduce yourself to anyone who has lost a child r/t bullying. I bet they would beg the bully to stop namecalling and stop the cruelty so NO child suffers. It doesn't matter if that child is in the public eye as many have said she deserves whatever is tossed to her?
When you live a little (I mean no disrespect by this) and see what I have seen, as sad as it is, you will not condone , accept, or negate this behavior because you believe that not every child kills themselves over this. Thank God, that most do not, but why lose one precious life and why act as if the topic should not be discussed, when it may save one man/child from harshly treating another child who then takes their life?? The big defense, ( I believe you also made this statement) is that kids don't do it after 1 episode of mal treatment? How do you and the many other naysayers know how many episodes have occurred? We dont. We also dont know what psychological space these children live in, as you your self admitted too. Maybe cheer is their only outlet , like the young girl on my daughters team. One event pushed her over the edge, on one sad day ,and now her family suffers without her. The suicide stunned the kids in the gym, espeially the younger ones who dont even understand why someone would do this?? You can try and validate your opinion as you are very well entitiled to, you can say this situation isn't the same, but it is the preceptor to many suicides and it should not be tolerated and excused because "it's not the same" Tell that to the parents and families whose loved ones are left behind. Maybe just maybe, if one young, prettygirl like yourself ,stood against ALL of it, versus saying it "can't be compared to this situation" where a grown man harshly called a child a punk as# as well as other uglies. God only knows what he has said to her face or what he has said to other children? God only knows when the next child will take his/her life because he pushes them over the edge? Cheer is like a second family to my Cp and I could see how easy it is to break down if that family cuts you down. What is "not cool" is that you can't sit back and take this to heart and listen with an open mind, as the original message was intended. It is a problem and it does happen in all situations. I pray for you and I pray you NEVER see a single suicide or loss in your young life and I hope you have children who have strong hearts so you never feel an ounce of the pain these families feel. It's is something you can never erase from your mind, I promise you that.