All-Star Gabi's New Gym And Team Announcement 7/6/15

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I love that I'm literally eating popcorn while reading this drudged up thread.

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Apple slices and chicken tenders... not as good as popcorn or FRICKLES (!!!), but still good. ;)
@TraumaRNcheermom, please stop dragging up posts from August. The issue was thoroughly discussed at the time (more than three months ago) and you are not adding anything productive to the conversation nor is it on topic with Gabi Butler's gym or the team she has created.

EDIT: If you would like to discuss bullying and or suicide, please feel free to do so outside of the allstar board.
@TraumaRNcheermom - your posts towards people who have commented on this thread are the most condescending, mean spirited posts I have seen in the last few months. Pot meet kettle. You are no better than those you are condemning.
It's a sad day in this world when I am called "mean spirited" for suicide preventoion/education and asking that we all take a stand against it. Instead peopel continuosly staing this young lady as well as many others should exspect to be treated this way "because they put themselves into the spot light". And maybe you should have a look in the history, I haven't posted "in the past couple of months" , only recently, after this post was forwarded to me alluding that a childs heartache was said to not be a precepting cause of suicide??? As an educator, counslor, care providor and one who sees multiple suicides, this topic is prevalent and J. Butler was correct in saying his daughter could have taken the same path others have taken after ill treatment. So sorry if you feel it's mean spirited to ask others to take this serious. To each his own
Why did you seek out an old thread? I feel for your daughter but no reason to hash up old threads.
My daughter is not the reason this thread was sent to me??? If it was old, why would you be posting as others are , still stating his actions are acceptable because of who this girl is? I am pretty surprised this behavior is so acceptable to so many in this community and would love some insight as to why it's ok? This simply shouldn't be acceptable anywhere, anytime. Thats not to say kids and adults aren't going to face critisism, which is how you are able to better yourself. I'm talking about the outright cruelty we as society accept as the norm because Jo Blo put himself out there? I wouldn't wish it on you ar my worst enemy. Heck look at the critisism I am getting for protecting children so they might have a fighting chance & not end their life as I have read over and over in this thread. I see this as the bigger problem. Suicide is a problem caused often- not always, by bullies or people who stand by saying its' ok.
It's a sad day in this world when I am called "mean spirited" for suicide preventoion/education and asking that we all take a stand against it. Instead peopel continuosly staing this young lady as well as many others should exspect to be treated this way "because they put themselves into the spot light". And maybe you should have a look in the history, I haven't posted "in the past couple of months" , only recently, after this post was forwarded to me alluding that a childs heartache was said to not be a precepting cause of suicide??? As an educator, counslor, care providor and one who sees multiple suicides, this topic is prevalent and J. Butler was correct in saying his daughter could have taken the same path others have taken after ill treatment. So sorry if you feel it's mean spirited to ask others to take this serious. To each his own
I think it's even sadder that you believe you're providing meaningful education about suicide prevention in this thread
My daughter is not the reason this thread was sent to me??? If it was old, why would you be posting as others are , still stating his actions are acceptable because of who this girl is? I am pretty surprised this behavior is so acceptable to so many in this community and would love some insight as to why it's ok? This simply shouldn't be acceptable anywhere, anytime. Thats not to say kids and adults aren't going to face critisism, which is how you are able to better yourself. I'm talking about the outright cruelty we as society accept as the norm because Jo Blo put himself out there? I wouldn't wish it on you ar my worst enemy. Heck look at the critisism I am getting for protecting children so they might have a fighting chance & not end their life as I have read over and over in this thread. I see this as the bigger problem. Suicide is a problem caused often- not always, by bullies or people who stand by saying its' ok.
Bullying sucks but ultimately what others say shouldn't matter. If someone is defining themselves based off of others they should seek therapy. CBT would be great to realize there are some cognitive distortions going on. You can't control others so I don't know why you are trying. While mean things are said about these cheerlebrities they put themselves in the limelight. If others opinions are affecting them maybe they should limit how much exposure they get to people they trust. And this was an old thread until you commented.
And how exactly are you doing it? I mean, you want to... but what actions are you taking? And, yeah, a lot of people here don't need education on suicide.
Kpep, I can guarante with definity I take actions every day to stop this. I educate my children and others on standing up to bullies because that in itself is half the battle. No one to bully = no bullies leads to no suicides r/t bullies or discrimation. I educate on suicide and take the matter seriously. One life lost is too many. I wholeheartedly believe we have to educate both sides, but I also believe we shouldn't accept it is as being okay. Especially by this man and other coaches/ teachers... who are shaping the minds of our youth & teaching them cruelty is ok. I see it as the coach above does. We can't excuse this man (nor torch him) simply because this particular child is well known and as we've heard over and over "she put herself out there." As a community we can choose to not support him and others like him. Who, if not all of us, should put a stop to it? I think that is the point the dad was trying to make. I never in a million years have heard so many people excuse behavior like his & again, especially when she was a kid. I know an adult can take the hit just as hard. Apparently we will agree to disagree, because it is quite obvious that many do need suicide prevention education or the initial post would have never been put up and never sent my way. Have a cheerful day and as I have said before and will say to everyone, I pray you are never directly impacted by this topic and pray even more as a coach you educate against the behaviors that cause it.
I am flabbergasted that you are still going on about this...I have never met a more condescending member of this board until now. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you likely don't understand how bitchy you're sounding right now, but if we were face to face I would have walked away by sentence three.

That aside, the bullying-ish behavior you're displaying because people share an opinion that isn't yours is a little alarming given your place of authority in the world. It's okay to not agree with you and nothing you're doing is helping towards prevention, if anything you have more adults in here rolling their eyes than considering our countries suicide rates. Which again, are lower in teens than any other age group in the country.
@TraumaRNcheermom While I do believe people should wait for a business to open first before deeming it unsafe and a failure (too close to defamation IMO), I'm not going to deem this threads comments as "suicidal" worthy either. My guess is, these are the comments that will drive Gabby, her teammates and family to work that much harder to prove people wrong.
Is this person just a troll? Maybe we should ignore her
Wow thats mature.... and gee am I correct to see another coach? What gym because , as you have openly stated you don't want to be educated (your perogative, your right) I also have the right to keep my family far from a gym who has a coach who encourages this. Ultimately it doesn't matter so you shouldnt' be concerned about posting it. thanks
@TraumaRNcheermom While I do believe people should wait for a business to open first before deeming it unsafe and a failure (too close to defamation IMO), I'm not going to deem this threads comments as "suicidal" worthy either. My guess is, these are the comments that will drive Gabby, her teammates and family to work that much harder to prove people wrong.
I think you might be very right about that.:shaka: I'm going to be cheering her on. She apparently has a very strong spine as her father mentions. Kudos to this kid

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