Me again - another question - would this 'protest' have been acceptable in other sports?
Think about it - Your kids baseball team gets a bad call and the other team scores without the umpire catching an error. The team decides that since the first 4 1/2 innings didn't go their way, they forfeit the last 4 1/5 innings. Would that be considered an appropriate protest? Your kids football team gets a bunch of bad calls (lots of players on the field, with a few judges who cannot possibly see everything, by the way) so they decide to forfeit the last half of the game. You kids soccer team gets a bunch of bad calls and the other team gets an extra point as a result so the team forfeits the last half of the game.
As much as we may not like it, this is the way the sport is played TODAY. And much like many sports with judges/referees/umpires calls are going to get missed. YES, protest if you don't like it, but to intentionally forfeit is definitely unsportsmanlike.