I get the score frustration and all but it happens all the time... scoring and deductions are both issues... I have seen teams win jackets after having very visible errors or even legalities that should have been deductions but were never given, I have seen teams with practically the same routine perform and hit zero but the scores are just polar opposites...
i have a question: at 2 day events, is it the same panel of judges for day 1 and day 2, or one set of judges day 1 and new set of judges day 2?
i ask because then unfortunately comparative scoring will always be an issue... and with multiple judges on a panel its also an issue cause judge jane smith may say the dance is creative and score a 9.9 but john doe didn't think so and gave an 8.9... etc in my head this is how i picture it... or is it like 5 judges and each judge is responsible for just one element of the rubric? i never thought about it this way....
lastly scoring is an even bigger issue because of the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY...