I understand how base scoring is done in cheer and I still disagree with it. In gymnastics, their base score is based on the skill itself, not how it's performed. Their final score is based off how it's performed (deductions, etc.) So why shouldn't cheer be done the same way? a full is a full, a double is a double, how it's executed should be the thing being judged. a high to high should have the same base score. The final score should be based on how it's executed (bobble, fall, dropped body position, etc). They would still be scored based on how the routine was performed but their base score would be more fair based on what's being put on the mat. It would just mean there would be more deductions/penalties/execution score differences. I feel like this would help to eliminate the confusion in scoring and also help eliminate bias scoring. They should have a panel of judges who reviews a video of each team's performance prior to the first competition of the season to assess and provide their base score. This allows the coaches to make any adjustments necessary to meet the score sheet. If there are major changes to the routine, a new video should be sent in to be re-evaluated for a new base score. Hopefully this makes sense.