The above proposal is changing the essence of the rule. The proposed job was to determine what is an exceptable reason for appeal and how can you prove that.
Also in my very humble opinion it's getting way too complicated. From my business experience, when you make a proposal that exceeds 2-3 paragraphs (especially when you are trying to convince the entity that created the rule) you almost always get declined.
An appeals process is no less complicated, and in some ways it's more so. Here are the things you need to address in any appeals or request process:
-When can a release take place? Can I request one two weeks before worlds, and then appeal because the gym owner wouldn't sign it? You still have to come up with a timing mechanism that allows the gym owner ample time to review a release request, the athlete time to appeal it, and an appeals board time to review it and make a decision.
-What grounds does an athlete have to request a release? Does an athlete get to leave because their gym stopped fielding a level 5 team? Because the gym closed? Because they got into a fight with the coach?
-What grounds does a gym have to deny a release? Can a gym deny a release for any reason, or are there specific criteria as to why a gym can deny a release? And does the gym have to provide those reasons to the athlete in writing, or can they just say no. (probably the former if you want to actually know what you're appealing)
Keep in mind that for the two items above, you're probably going to want very specific, objective criteria. If a gym closed, you'll need some way to determine that. If a gym denies a release because (for example) they believe the athlete is recruited, how do they determine that?
-Who is the group that hears the appeal? And what are the mechanics of the appeal process?
-What's the penalty if an athlete is found to be improperly rostered on a world's team? Is that penalty the same or different if it's found before, during, or after receiving a bid? Is it the same as using an ineligible athlete in other circumstances? What if the team competes at world's with an athlete that isn't really a member of that team? (I know what athlete registration this shouldn't be an issue, but things happen.)
The questions I asked were more than 3 paragraphs. I'm not sure how you distill a proposal into less than that.