So many different scenarios for this, in my opinion. Im going to be blunt about them.
*Does the athlete have a balance of $0.00 at Gym A?
*Did the athlete have bad behavior/attendance issues, etc. at Gym A?
*Did the athlete get recruited by Gym B to leave Gym A?
*Did the athlete (and the family) leave in a positive manner and avoid social media drama and 'gym bashing' while leaving?
*Did the athlete get removed from the team due to skill level?
*Was the athletes safety in jeopardy at Gym A?
*With most tryouts in May or earlier, what could you have possibly discovered AFTER November 1st (Approx. 6 Months at the Gym) that you couldn't wait until the end of the season (Approx. 6 Months at the Gym).
If an athlete has a balance of $0.00, There should not be an issue.
If I remove an athlete from my team due to behavioral issues, attendance, etc. I don't feel obligated to release an athlete to go to my competitor to compete. How is it fair to the 19 other kids on the team that you get to go to Worlds after you caused us so much grief, lack of being a team player, etc.? Call it 'Spite' if you want - Ill call it getting a dose of the real world and protecting my 19 other committed athletes that you let down. Actions have Consequences.
If I find out an athlete got recruited (and when I say find out, I mean cold, hard proof) kiss your release waiver GOODBYE. You might think the grass is greener on the other side, but thats probably only because they fertilize it with BULL$H!T!
If you are on Twitter, Facebook, Texting Other Parents, etc. causing a ruckus on your leave/dismissal, I don't feel obligated to do anything to help your kid out to Worlds with my competitor. If you feel the need to Bash My Program, My Athletes or any other nature.... again.... I don't need to do you any favors. Spite? Call it what you want.
If you get removed/replaced due to someone able to out skill you or your skills are lacking, I am sure you were forewarned, and if you weren't, your probably lacking common sense. Keep your Skills up. No spot should be 'given' - You're spot isn't safe until you hit the Worlds Floor.
If you feel your athlete's safety is in jeopardy, I feel this is one of the only reasons for USASF to step in and release your athlete. Was a coach inappropriate? Did you just get your tuck and you are now working fulls? Reasons for safety are ALWAYS in my opinion a reason for absolute release, however, proving that would cause a ruckus I am sure.
*Most people ignore signs of negativity or wrong doing, and i am just as guilty as the next. However, if you can't figure out shade in 6 months, you chose your own path.
MORAL OF THE STORY: I would find it REALLY COLD HEARTED of anyone who wouldn't release in this scenario, but #LesBeHonest, People have too much pride.
Just to set the tone: This meeting is one week before Jamfest Indy SuperNationals.
Athlete: Can My mom and I have a meeting with you after Practice today?
Coach: Yes
Coach: Ms. Susie - Your daughter said you would like to have a chat
Mom: Yes, My Suzie and I have been very unhappy at the gym lately.
Coach: What makes you feel this way?
Mom: Well, The Coaches tend to sit and be on their phones during practice as opposed to instructing. Susie is having problems with one of the girls on the team. I do not like that my invoices are always wrong. We feel that Gym B down the street (that already has their bid) will offer a better environment as far as what we are looking for. We may take the season off, but I have to be honest, if a spot were to open up we would probably try it out there. I would like to have a release form signed by you.
Coach: I am sorry you feel that way. I agree that perhaps us sitting and being on our phones is perceived badly and i am sorry to hear about the bullying and errors with your account. Since we have Jamfest SuperNationals this weekend, and then a 4-week break before our next local event, I propose this. Please allow me two weeks to correct the problems you have proposed to me. Lets have another meeting two weeks from today to discuss. If you feel another gym is a better fit, I will absolutely give you a release form. Please know if it doesn't work out, our doors will always be open.
Mom: Thank you. We will absolutely not quit one week before a major competition. We would like to give you a chance to make it right. Thank you.
Coach: No, Thank you.
I really think if a parent came in to talk openly things could be avoided, however, every time I see a release situation.... Momma is hot.... and sometimes out of line and all over Social Media.