I recently switched to allstar cheer and the amount of conditioning and the time we spend on conditioning is significantly less than what I did as a level 8 gymnast
When I was a gymnast we did most of the conditioning listed here already. Every day that we didn't do the national team warm up we would begin with this. It's really quite simple, it's just something to get your body warm and ready. (This used to be part of our take home conditioning list before we started using it in practice, which is why you will see the word couch or stairs)
For the last ab part we would all lay in a straight line the first person in the line(after the holds) would count out the exercises. So first person would count out loud 25 lemon squeezers (half sit ups) then right after finish the second person would count out the second set of 25 and so on. (This was of course done without any breaks between any of the exercises).