All-Star Hairgate 2015 - Mom Upset Daughter Is Off The Team Because She Wont Straighten Hair For Competitions

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I wonder if this would have helped her, they seem to be fake hair in a pony already teased, saw this on Instagram a few days ago.

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Where do I get these? They are fabulous!! I love hairpieces!
I'm sorry, but I am starting to wonder Exactly, whom AS Cheer pissed off for all these negative media reports?
For a second I thought you were referring to me! I was have nothing to do with all of this!! Then I realized you meant all-star cheer, not my username...
Where do I get these? They are fabulous!! I love hairpieces!

I have been told that the quality of these hair pieces is really, really good! They are expensive, but I believe that you get what you pay for and I would rather pay more for quality.

I have been told that the quality of these hair pieces is really, really good! They are expensive, but I believe that you get what you pay for and I would rather pay more for quality.
What do you consider expensive??? Lol wonder how many seasons they would last? I emailed them requesting more info!!
I ordered form cheerleader hairpieces and it is Definitely not as nice as posh pony, but was a fraction of the cost. I can do CP's hair but teasing it is a pain. I am going to see just how fake this one looks. I have seen some pictures that look pretty good so we will see.

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We actually have one from $20 I ever spent and it matches perfectly!! Doesn't look fake at all. Just wish it came in a longer option. But it takes me less than 10 minutes to do CP's hair and that includes the bump!
What do you consider expensive??? Lol wonder how many seasons they would last? I emailed them requesting more info!!
I'd love to hear what you find out! I read somewhere they are between $200 and $350!!!! But then I think if they last a few seasons....and I think about how much I spent on some clip in extensions for my wedding LOL that I would consider that price. I love how big and full the ponytail is. Of course my gym does curls this year; wondering how well these would curl!
I'd love to hear what you find out! I read somewhere they are between $200 and $350!!!! But then I think if they last a few seasons....and I think about how much I spent on some clip in extensions for my wedding LOL that I would consider that price. I love how big and full the ponytail is. Of course my gym does curls this year; wondering how well these would curl!
Posh Pony runs about $300, and they do curly or straight. They are natural hair so you can curl them yourself too.

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We actually have one from $20 I ever spent and it matches perfectly!! Doesn't look fake at all. Just wish it came in a longer option. But it takes me less than 10 minutes to do CP's hair and that includes the bump!
Have you ever tried to tease yours? If so how did it do?

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I hate when the news does the jump in the bandwagon thing, it happens all the time, and it seems worse when it is sparked by something that seems so skewed. The world of cheerleading is so foreign to people it's a shame for it to get such a bad spotlight. It feels demeaning to what my kids do with so much of their time.

That being said, I wonder if this couldn't be an opportunity to start a somewhat interesting conversation about the industry(ies) of cheer. I see several areas where thoughtful conversation could be warranted, both about the industry, and the culture of parents who have their kids in competitive sports.

Examples I see from these stories:

Have we (parents) started to feel like our kids are entitled to whatever we think we are paying for? Do we all think we are deserving of whatever exception we hope for? How has it become that so many parents think that their kid should be "above" the rest, and is so special that nothing applies to them?

I'll be the first to admit that I get irritated by a lot in AS cheer... And am always amazed that there is no recognition of the time and $ I commit to. It's never about what my kids have to wear, or their hair, or if they have to show for practices or competitions.

But I do get annoyed by things: like when a coach spends his/her time on their phone , or messing around for several practices, or when there are unprofessional actions by representatives of the gym. Or when parents are treated like they should not speak or ask questions. I get that a lot of questions and concerns are irrelevant to the overall goals of a program, but I think gyms should take the time to engage with their customers, even if to gently guide them to stop voicing every concern.

Goodness, I even take issue with paying $25 for admission to comps and not being able to even see the competition. What is it OK to be upset about and expect resolution about? What are we actually paying for? Does it vary according to gym? I hate that parents who think they are entitled to call the shots blur this line, because it is an interesting conversation.

The other conversation I see as being interesting is how much the industry has veered from its goals. Has it become a my way or the highway activity? Is it okay that it is this way? I'm all for the uniform application of rules, if there are no vacations approved, no one can go on vacation, if there is a hair style, everyone wears it, etc. BUT the question still remains, is every rule necessary? Are there rules that aren't useful? The examples from these stories are horrible, because they are generally acceptable rules.. But the real questions of if there are controls in place that are NOT necessary, and if there actually are unrealistic expectations of kids and families remains unaddressed.

Finally, I just can't with the high school story. If a coach isn't well trained enough to know how to apply consequences without inflicting injury...No Bueno. I don't even care if the kid was at fault, the coach should have known enough to intervene. Which brings up the safety issue. Is it not reasonable to expect that our kids are entrusted to capable individuals and that there will be consequences it is exposed that the adults in charge are negligent or cruel?

Eta: so sorry had no idea I was writing so much
Examples I see from these stories:

Have we (parents) started to feel like our kids are entitled to whatever we think we are paying for? Do we all think we are deserving of whatever exception we hope for? How has it become that so many parents think that their kid should be "above" the rest, and is so special that nothing applies to them?

This has been a societal shift over the past few decades and it is by no means exclusive to All Star Cheerleading or sports, in general.

A lot of it has to do with parenting, perceived entitlement, and lack of responsibility/accountability.

Not to mention, as a whole, honor and perceived social consequence have disappeared---for example, if I took my child out to eat in Germany and she screamed her head off I would have been told to leave (not asked, told), in our country not so much. But moreso, unless I was with family or friends no one would really know if I let my kid scream in a restaurant, or pee in a Playplace, or take down a aisle worth of toys at Target---I'm not held accountable for my actions socially because my town is big and I rarely see people I know out. 50-60 years ago, if you were improper or acted socially loose, the whole neighborhood knew about it and you were talked about or worse, shunned. The need to keep your children 'in line' was demanded, now not so much...

This has been a societal shift over the past few decades and it is by no means exclusive to All Star Cheerleading or sports, in general.

A lot of it has to do with parenting, perceived entitlement, and lack of responsibility/accountability.

Not to mention, as a whole, honor and perceived social consequence have disappeared---for example, if I took my child out to eat in Germany and she screamed her head off I would have been told to leave (not asked, told), in our country not so much. But moreso, unless I was with family or friends no one would really know if I let my kid scream in a restaurant, or pee in a Playplace, or take down a aisle worth of toys at Target---I'm not held accountable for my actions socially because my town is big and I rarely see people I know out. 50-60 years ago, if you were improper or acted socially loose, the whole neighborhood knew about it and you were talked about or worse, shunned. The need to keep your children 'in line' was demanded, now not so much...

I agree with this. I waiver between thinking two things. On the one hand, we, as a society, have become so individualized and self important that we simply expect there to be no consequences for doing what we want to do. On the other, our thoughts, actions and feelings have become so globally available that it's easy to find others who will help us justify behaviors that we might have been less inclined to share if there were consequences in our local community. It's an odd combination, feeling justified by strangers, and feeling important enough to act on everything we think or feel.
I agree with this. I waiver between thinking two things. On the one hand, we, as a society, have become so individualized and self important that we simply expect there to be no consequences for doing what we want to do. On the other, our thoughts, actions and feelings have become so globally available that it's easy to find others who will help us justify behaviors that we might have been less inclined to share if there were consequences in our local community. It's an odd combination, feeling justified by strangers, and feeling important enough to act on everything we think or feel.

None of that helps, but these issues were in play long before social media. To be honest, a lot of it links to the Suffrage Movements and the push for women's rights. That isn't to discount the civil rights movements of other minorities; all of which have left their own, unique footprint on our history...but the Suffrage Movement pitted two genders against each other who have no choice but to work together to not only repopulate our world, but who help fulfill basic human needs that can't be achieved alone while also changing the very concept of nature and nurture. Now I won't dismiss those ladies and the rights I've been afforded because of their sacrifice, but I do wonder if they would have reconsidered their stances if they knew where our country was headed. Purely hypothetically, of course.
I don't have one but had asked for information a few weeks back. They come pre teased and it's real hair so it curls and teases the same as your own hair.
I know post ponys do, but the one I have form Cheerleaderhairpieces didn't I was asking about that one. Its synthetic, and if we use it I will have to tease it a bit.

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