High School High school coaches and allstar.

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my coach for hs last year didnt say anything about disliking it, but its pretty obvious. i think it was her impression that i thought i was better than everyone else on the squad, just because of the gym i come from. i wasnt allowed to wear anything from my gym to hs practices, let alone mention it. i ended up quitting for basketball season.
Before I tried out for school cheer i asked my coach if it was ok with her for me to do competitive. She said yes.
Now shes trying to tell me I cant. I hope shes knows which team i'll picl.
my high school coach did allstars and our previous coach(who was my current coaches coach) coached allstars so they recommend we take classes and join teams if possible. and they have us practice at a gym nearby once a week
So can you tell me what Allstar cheer has to do with High School Cheer being a sport and why you can't do both? Allstars is a private organization... So what WV is saying you cant do high school cheer and dance for a dance studio or play rec soccer etc? I can't understand this one so if you could please explain further bc private organizations has nothing to do with school!!! Thanks
All our High Schools around our area let their cheerleaders do our gym! Allstar coach and high school coach talk about who is on allstar teams and high school teams, then come up with a plan to make both happen...

We all think that doing both benefits everyone and keeps kids off the street! and betters the chance for kids to get into a better college through cheer if they are better all around!

The only time someone has to choose between one or the other is if allstar practice interfers with games and coaches wont let them miss games. But most of the time they let them leave game early to get to allstars bc they know we only have 1 practice a week!
exactly half of the girls on my squad are all stars and all but one cheer at the same gym. the lone one cheers at the gym my varsity coach coaches at, so my varsity coach hates us. you would think she would be up to date on stunts and things, but she just does not agree with the way "new allstars" are going. she always bashes our gym about how our bows are too big, and complains that we wear half tops. she just hates that we are not on her team, and we are bigger and better than her gym.

it is a pain though because she is not forgiving with missing practices during football season.we have it worked out that during football season we go to everything high school, and since competition season is in the winter, we can miss the basketball games and wrestling meets for winter.
Well what me and the other coaches dont really mind about our girls that cheer allstar. Most of the time the allstars don't cheer football and basketball season(mostly basketball) because of the interference with their allstar schedule. As far as competitions go we make sure that if an allstar has a comp the same day we plan on going to one we either go to the same comp or make sure we compete early enough so the girl can leave after our session or performance to travel to her comp. We do mostly local comps so we don't really travel too far out of our region. But if an allstar has a comp on the same day we have one and it's out of state we make sure we know ahead of time so that we can alter the routine so that it hits, and you wont be able to tell anyone is missing. Our allstars don't tumble with us but thats okay because they are working on the same skills just at a different gym. It really hasn't caused any trouble yet.
at my school its pretty much worked out between the coaches and the cheerleaders. our athletic director thinks that his cheerleading squad should come before allstar (but we all know what really happens) we had 21 varsity cheerleaders, 11 of which allstar cheer and 4 that competitively dance. we had one girl that had to leave an hour and a half early every tuesday and thursday to make it to her allstar practices, no problems from our coach. she used to allstar cheer and totally understand that those practices are only a few times a week, when we were practicing every day. and when we cut down our school schedule, normally right after fall pep rally, its only two or three days a week and she works around our cheer schedules. the majority of us have practices tuesdays and thursdays so no school cheer those days :) although for winter cheer only 7 allstar girls, and we miss most games and competitions for school are scheduled around our pre-existing schedules from our gyms. our coach is really awesome about it.
My highschool coach was really strict about me leaving 30 mins before practice was over to go to my all star gym one time during the week. The thing that really bugged me was that we practiced 5 days a week and that is more than what our schools varsity team practiced. Plus my friend Maddy cheered on my organizations "neighbor" team, and she would let her leave so she could make it to practice on time and have me get to practices late. So it came to me deciding whether I wanted to do all star or high school... I chose all star(:
Just be glad that most of you do not live in Arizona. Most of you have the choice to do both High School and All-Star. But here in AZ you have to choose between the 2 because our high school athletic association has a rule that you are not allowed to do both.
I was the only one at my high school to do all star. Basically, our school team is a priority and if you can schedule allstar practices around the hs coaches' time, then do it. I'd have school prac 2-7 (everyday) then drive an hour to allstars (tues/thurs) from 8-10. got home from school 2x a week at 11pm. It was rough haha
my allstar coach gets schedules of all the high school cheer and works around it. i dont how she has the patience for it but bless her heart
Some of the girls at my school do both and our coaches are fine with it. Sometimes we go to their competitions and cheer them on
all star cheer is only recently established where i live, but it is growing quickly. last year we had 3 girls on an all star team for the second half of our school year. this year we have a half dozen on all star. they are all at the one gym, and we knew before our try outs what teams they were on so we wrote out their schedules and made sure none of our practices conflict (we do this with dance classes, soccer teams, hockey teams, rugby teams, and the glee/ cabaret club too). it means long days for a couple of the kids who multiple practices in the same day- but they (and their parents) knew in advance what they were signing up for. if any of the kids have to miss our practices for another activity we evaluate whether its weekly or sporadically, and for what length of time they miss, and determine whether we can take them as a full member or an alternate. we had 5 kids choose our program over another activity this year.

our competitions don't overlap because the all star teams travel out of province, and we stay in.

the only issue i have had is attitude. some of them are on teams that are a higher level than their high school and have a habit of saying how hard it is to do things at prep level since they are sooooo used to extended and how these skills are sooooo easy etc. we have had other team members say how they make them feel bad when they say that stuff as if they are better than them. you also end up with the conflict of their all star coach having them do something one way, and their high school coach another way.

we take our all stars aside at the beginning of the year and have a group chat about these issues so they know ahead of time how it makes people feel and that its not tolerated. we never want them to feel bad about being on all star, or not be able to talk about it but we do let them know there is a time and a place. they know they aren't to boast in practice, but we are always happy to hear about their all star cheer before or after practice times and we frequently get texts/ emails/ messages from our all star kids asking us for tips on skills they are working on, and right after their practices telling us about the new skills they did that day and how excited they are.
my schools varsity coach strongly recommended not doing allstar and that school cheerleading takes top priority. we had an unscheduled game on a night i had practice and my jv coach understood but she told me to tell the varsity coach i had a doctors appointment or something so i could get out of it. i had to quit this year because i got put on a team in the middle of the summer that practices 3 hours away from where i live so i wouldve had to miss school practice once a week.

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