High School High school coaches and allstar.

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It just so happens that my allstar coach is also my highschool coach. 10 years ago she started a gym but about 8 years ago my school offered her a job and she does both. It causes problems some times, because there are girls in our gym that havent made the highschool team and vice versa. People accuse her of automatically putting all her allstar cheerleaders on the team because she doesnt want to loose their business. Its not true considering she hires outside judges for the tryouts but it still causes problems. She gets mad when I bring up any other allstar gym but she doesnt have a problem with girls doing both allstar and highschool no matter what gym they cheer at.
When I was in seventh grade, the varsity high school coach was also the owner of my all star team. But her daughter was also in my grade so she resighned and now my high school varsity coach is my neighbor and also used to be a UCA instructor, and she used to do all star. So she understands. However some of the older girls on my high school team don't understand, and are mean to me. It's whatever all star is my life, and I'm not quitting. (:
I assume we could do both, but none of us ever did. I don't know if any of the girls even KNEW about allstars, and if they did they had very little interest in it. My school was/is very flexible with activities, because the school is so small and you need all the people you can get!
allstar cheering isnt very big at my school and i was the first person who attempted to do both and my coaches didnt like allstar and took me off the competition team to being an alternate .. even though i notice the schools that allow allstar cheerleaders are the schools that tend to come on top i guess the coaches dont notice that .. but now i just stick to allstar b.c it was always my first priority
my coach is ok with allstar she thinks the routines are cool but thinks that cheerleaders should also be cheering at games so idk
I am a high school coach and I huge fan of allstars. The lady I coach with and I both used to be one at the same gym, actually. When I cheered at the school a few years back I was the first one to do both. But, during high school competition season high school practices MUST be priority over allstar practices. One it comes time for basketball games and allstar competitions we are a little more flexable. But while you are in high school competition season missing a practice for something allstar related is not an excuse. We are friends with the gym owner most of our girls cheer or tumble at and he understands this.
My sister cheers high school and all star. During High School season she would attend both practices, but show up an hour late to all star practice since the two practices overlapped by 30 mins. Her all star coach is very understanding and acknowledges that HS competition cheer comes first during HS competition cheer season. During basketball season she cheers at any game that doesn't conflict with all star. Most girls on her team don't cheer all star (I think 4 total) with 1 cheering at the gym they (high school squad) "trains" and the other 3 at a different gym on 2 different teams. Initially at the parent meeting last spring the coach told the girls that they were not allowed to do all star (which didn't go over well.... because what HS bball coach would tell a player they can't do AAU or a HS soccer coach tell a player they can't do club soccer etc). I will say that in the high school competition routine there was definite bias and favoritism displayed in the choreography, with the girl that cheers at the all star gym where the hs "trains" being front center through the entirety of the routine. Although the girl is talented, it was inexcusable that no other girl on the team was given opportunity to "shine". The high school coach also made it apparent to the girls that if they didn't continue to tumble in the off season at the gym the hs squad "trains" at then they will have "difficulty" making the team next year...and as a result some girls continue to take tumbling at that gym...while taking privates at a different gym.
My coach is alright since the most conflicts are in the winter which is basketball season and not the fall when its HS comp season and so my mom told her that if a game lands on the same day I have allstar practice and theres a comp that weekend I'm gonna have to miss the game and my coach was alright with that since there are three allstar cheerleaders on my team anyways so she really has no choice.
From an all star coach's perspective, I completey respect school cheerleading and understand the commitment involved. After tryouts each year, I would immediately contact school cheer coaches for all of my athletes who also did school cheer and let them know that I would work my practice schedules around their school schedules. The coaches were always compliant and provided me with schedules far in advance UNTIL the last two year's I was open a new coach took over at one of the schools and she HATED all star cheer. She told me they would be practicing on Mon and Thurs, so I scheduled my practices for Tuesdays and Thursdays (late night after her practice). So she changed their practice schedule to match mine, so I changed ours to Mondays and early Thursdays to compensate. Once again, she changed hers to match mine. The parents let me in on a policy that states they cannot practice school sports on Wednesdays and Sundays due to religious practices being on those days. It was a state-wide policy I believe, but I could be wrong. So I changed my practices to Wednesdays and Sundays and thought that was that.
School cheer coach some how got permission to run practice on Wed's up until 6:45pm (church starts at 7pm) and Sunday afternoons in between church services from 1-4pm.
In the end, the girls quit their school squad due to the immaturity of the school coach.
i coach at an All Star Gym, and our owner encourages all of our coaches to coach a HS team as well. We even have many girls that stop competing All Star mid season to compete with their HS teams (Illinois doesn't allow girls to compete on both teams simultaneously) and then come back for the end of our All Star season. We are all supportive of both the HS teams and the All Star teams!
In the state of Maryland you can do both but HS has to come first. You aren't aloud to miss or leave practice early or come to practice late for any other cheerleading team, even if it's an 18 and under rec league, high school must come first. Thank fully most times don't over lap beaucse hs teams practice right after school and other teams dont start practice untill 6-7pm. The school I coach now and the one I cheered for in HS had girls that did both, and it works out faor;y well. AS coaches just have to be understanding some are, and some aren't. But, a lot of the times girls will only cheer fall season for their HS team and not winter becuase there are more competitions for AS and it is more likely you will wind up missing something for HS and get kicked of the team. You can see the difference in the routines between Fall and Winter becuase there are always less girls that tumble or less that throw harder skills. Sometimes teams go from having 5 stunt groups to only 4.

Coming for a coaches prespective I like and dislike having the girls that do AS because they take practices more seriously and most of the team are better cheerleaders, but they hate cheering at games and don't pay attention and we lose them come winter season.

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