I started in elementary school competitive cheer i loved it. So to make a long story short when my school stopped having cheer i took up allstar cheer. The rest was and still is GREAT ! =)
I started out doing gymnastics for 8 years. We would have cheer teams come into our gym and practice on our floor, and it looked so fun to me! I eventually got tired of gymnastics, so I switched to cheer. Greatest decision of my life. :)
I started in ballet but it was too boring for me and I wanted more action so I started gymnastics and I did that for a year. There was an allstar team based out of the gymnastics gym and one of the cheer coaches came up to me during my practice and asked me to be on the team. Nine years later I'm still doing cheer.
I started dancing when i was 3 and then when i was 10, one of my best friends started cheering and it seemed like fun so i did it the next year and fell in love and been cheering every since! but i remember when i was little and my family would go to football games and i was glued to the cheerleaders the whole time and thinking i wanted to be like them when i grow up
my mom had asked me for years if i wanted to cheer and me the little 5 yr old thought she was talking about being a junior nfl cheerleader.... couple years later i finally decided to try rec cheerleading and i loved it! the next season i went to a camp for my rec team at the local all star gym and at the end they gave awards to each girl and gave me best all around cheerleader, and asked me to join their team. two weeks later i was at choreography camp for the all star gym and taking tumbling classes with my level athletes. after two seasons there i wasnt progressing as fast as i would have liked to the team had cliques and everyone was really nasty, added to which the results werent that great so i finished out the season and went to Maryland Twisters with a bunch of my friends, best descision ever :D
Cp was in gymnastics but went to a comp with a friend. I made her do classes for, like, 6 months before committing. For me, though, I watched Smoed on youtube. That began a WHOLE different level of cheer-mom-ing!
My high school started a squad and I somehow made it on! Now eight years later I'm still absolutely loving it. :)
Though I think it's funny how many of you have said you came from ballet because it was too slow - I love cheer and ballet in big part due to the precision and aesthetics of the movements required in both!
I started cheering for a youth football team when I was 8 or 9 and didn't really like it, so I took up playing softball at this sports complex and in that sports complex there was a cheerleading gym. I would watch them practice and do their routines whenever we had water breaks and after and before practice. I had my mom sign me up the next season!
When I was little my mom put me in gymnastics, and I was really good. So I did it for about 5 years, and I got REALLY bored with it. The last couple years of me doing gymnastics, my sister started all-star cheer! I decided that it was cool and I wanted to try! So the coach put me on senior 3 and I fell in love! 2 years later I switched gyms and now cheer is my lifeeee!?! <3
I started with jazz and ballet also. Then one day I was watching tv and I saw this thing on simply called "cheerleading" on hbo. It was all about rec cheer. I though it was so cool so I asked my mom to sign me up through our park district! And here I am spending every waking moment on cheer. :)
When I was 5, my brother went to football practice and I would always watch the cheerleaders practice. I wanted so bad to cheer. The next year we got flyers for if you wanted to be on the squad and I of course did, so my friend and I started cheering that year and my mom started coaching. I've been cheering ever since, but I was getting bored with just sideline cheer (because there's no tumbling and dull stunts) and started allstars this year!
My little sister was really jealous of all her friends who did Pop Warner cheer and got the "cool" jackets, so we started cheering. We ended up in the wrong place (all-star instead of pop warner?) but I'm so glad we did! :)
My CP has always been "...busy..." which is the parent code word for mischievious. We tried to keep her occupied and looked into a couple of activities before we got to cheer. We tried soccer and coached her team - 3 minutes into the first game she said "i'm just going to sit down and watch you guys, OK?" and sat out the entire rest of the season. We tried ballet but she kept running out the room trying to find me - we were not invited back to the next session. One day we saw a sign for a "cheernastics" center and stopped by and haven't looked back. It was the first activity we didn't have to drag her to.