All-Star how did you get into all star cheerleading?

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well i was 6 and my cousin and my aunt told my mom about it so me and my cousin both cheered at rc club cheer(closed now:() and my cousin ended up sticking with school cheer the next year but i stayed with rc for four years my 1st year i fell in love with the sport and im heading into my ninth season of cheer and haha i no this is kinda random but i remember my coach making us do 5 toe touches in a row like a million times... how the heck did i have the energy for that?! omg memories:P
My friends mom asked 5 of us guys to come to a practice...we were open to trying anything so we went. The girls were hot and the ratio was pretty good 6:1. I have not left. I was 13 at the time. I say thats also when I gave up video games for girls.
My college team one year kinda was going crazy attitudes people quitting and like all the vets stayed but the new prole couldn't handle it or something Idk. They were trouble makers. Anyway our coach was sick and the ***. coach was in charge and it wasnly going so good. It was the end of the season and noone was sure if our head coach would be returning..owe practiced at an allstar gym anyway. So the next season I tried out for the internationational team. Been there since then. Imy college coach did end up returning an always asks me to come back but it just wouldn't work with my comp schedule haveinh to do games practice and comps with the college team AND my allstar schedule.

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My popwarner coach was going to be a half year allstar coach and she asked me to come with her to the allstar gym. Ever since then, 6 years ago, I have been in love with allstar cheering!
i was a gymnast up until high school when the commitment just became too much with the hours at the gym, the injuries, and traveling for meets twice a month. when i got to high school, my friend told me to try out for cheerleading. i thought it was a joke but i went anyway. only freshman to ever make varsity. tons of the girls on my squad did all star so they talked me into trying out for their gym, and i did. i've been doing it ever since.
Well what little girl doesn't want to be a cheerleader? Haha I joined Pop Warner in fifth grade and then we went to the local all star gym for a practice and I literally stood there staring at their level five team not noticing anything else. let's just say I signed up for All Stars the second my Pop Warner season was over and have done All Stars ever since. :)
well i was in preschool at the time and i was doing gymnastic stuff i guess and the gym opened a cheer program so my bestfriend at the time did it with me, i did it for two year then i quit to do gymnastic and dance then rec cheering( biggest mistake of my life) but now im doing it again cause all my friends i cheered with at that place (northstars) moved with the gym im at now.
I tried out for my intermediates (middle school) cheer team but iI didn't get in, so my mum thought that if i joined an all-star team I would get better skills and the experience would get me in, So I trialed and I made senior level 2-3 (even though I was 11? And I could barely do a cartwheel!) I didn't even learn anything skillwise at the all-star gym, but I did make the school team after that :) I left the allstar team at the end of 2009 and I have been cheering at cx ever since! Never looked back :)
My sisters friends went to cheer at the gym im at today. And i played soccer at the time. but then i started doing rolls and cartwheels all over the field. so they told me i should try going to the gym for lessons .. and once i went to one lesson, i fell in love. so i started cheerleading, and have been for the past seven years.
When I was younger I was on a rec team and when you were a certain age you were allowed to tryout for their competition team. After my first year on the competition team I absolutely loved it. The next year, in order to cheer for the competition team I still had to cheer for football, which I really didn't want to do anymore and that's when I moved over to all star(:
Someone emailed me a video of King and Katie stunting. My 5 year old was sitting with me when I watched it, and he fell in love with cheer. It's still (along with Top Gun's NCA video from last year and CEA SE's Worlds video) one of his favorite videos on YouTube. I thought he'd get bored with cheer, but 8 months after seeing the first video, he's still very much in love with the sport.
my sister did football cheer for a while when i was like 2 and at the end of each year they had a competition. she loved them but didn't like cheering at the football games. My neighbor cheered at an allstar gym and my mom talked to her mom and said her daughter loved it and my sister would too because they compete all the time. so my sister started there and ive been running around the gym since i was 3 or 4 :)
I was always and an athletic girl. I've played soccer ever since i was 4 and then i would sometime play basketball because my dad wanted me to. I was like a tomboy with a girly twist. I also did gymnastics cause my mom wanted me to do something girly, and I feel in love with it. My best friend was cheering for years and then in 8th grade I decided to give it a try. So i went to try-outs and I was already in love with it. I've never had the passion for any sport like I did for all-star cheer. I'm a competitive person so I really got my competitive mix with cheer. After my first season I took a break and I could not stop thinking about cheer, I was always on youtube watching teams. So the following year I join back and I haven't stopped since. i'M A CHEER ADDICT
I did a summer camp with gymnastics, cheerleading, karate and dance. I really enjoyed the cheer part of the camp, so I went into rec cheer for one year at the gym I did the camp at. Then I did one competitive season (last season) with the gym, and now this season I've switched gyms because I didn't feel I was getting batter. And now my skills are getting better really quickly!
I joined because I really enjoyed it.

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