after working one 40-50 hour a week high stress job plus coaching, the best thing i've found to do is just relax and tell yourself that you'll go to sleep tonight, and wake up tomorrow. You have to make time for yourself, even if it cuts into your other activities (for working adults like myself, i found sleep is the one most often cut into because you don't get paid when you sleep lol but not the best choice) I try to think ahead (without counting the days because thats just depressing) of the next days I have off, then remind myself how lucky I am that I have the oppurtunity to do what I'm doing, and that its my job to make sure that my bosses and other people that put me into or helped me get these positions don't regret doing so. (personal pride that was instilled by my grandmother. Help those that help you)
The praying thing works, even if you're not spiritual. Just talking it through in your head has such a calming effect, whether you are talking to yourself or your higher power of choice.
However, I definitely know these things are hard to deal with as a teenager, I was there, and too say I didn't handle it well was an understatement. While I stayed out of trouble, I just got more and more depressed and held it in until I couldn't anymore. I stopped going to school and my gpa dropped to a 2.7 (which was generous to be honest and I could've been expelled for my absenteeism but I had a very understanding staff at my school) So i went from a 4.0 with 31 act first try, almost guaranteed a full ride to any college I applied to (and was offered the scholarships from many places I didn't) to having to pay college out of pocket and through grants and loans.
If you need to, don't be afraid to talk to a counselor or psychologist/therapist. Seeing someone doesn't make you crazy, in fact if it keeps you from going crazy it would be insane not too. They can give you sooo many techniques to deal with stress.
When i got into the real world and got these jobs, I went back to my old habits of holding it in, and even tried smoking (which helped for a week but now is the biggest struggle and cause of stress in my life. At first it helps the stress, then after a while you become stressed when you don't, such a temporary fix and just as self destructive as you can get) I quickly realized that I couldn't be the company man 24/7 and had to have some sort of my own life. So give to yourself, be good to yourself, be fair to yourself (unrealistic standards put upon yourself just make things work) and get help when you need it. (you're on a good track asking for it here, there happen to be a couple of very smart intelligent who have gone through the same stuff as you when you weed out the rest of the people)