All-Star I Owe Everyone An Apology...please Read Janky Thread...

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I looks like the" bury your head in the sand" continues, since the other posts have been taken off fierceboard. Yes, thank you cheercurl for being brave enough to speak the truth..Safety is the #1 issue, not whether you hurt somebodys feeling or not !!!! If you dont like what is being said then don't put a team like that out there for everone to see and comment on !!! Looks like free speech is alive and well !!!
The team that actually had me gasping was State All-Stars. The other team/gym did have it share of problems but it was not the actual team I was referencing. I am so very sorry. Please see my complete apology in the other thread.
You did nothing wrong!!! You weren't putting teams down, you were talking about a way to make cheer safer.
I looks like the" bury your head in the sand" continues, since the other posts have been taken off fierceboard. Yes, thank you cheercurl for being brave enough to speak the truth..Safety is the #1 issue, not whether you hurt somebodys feeling or not !!!! If you dont like what is being said then don't put a team like that out there for everone to see and comment on !!! Looks like free speech is alive and well !!!
And here is proof that not everyone sees value in hiding from the truth. StateMom spoke up for the sake of her child's safety and I believe her gym's video was one that was posted. I applaud her too.

I suppose there were valid reasons for removing the thread. I hope it at least inched us forward while it lasted.
Maybe things were deleted, not because of the issue, but because of terminology? It's one thing to point out an unsafe team, or skills, but it's harsh when you call a specific team/routine "janky," "terrible" or "awful" or something. I dont know, since I didn't read the whole "Janky" thread, but maybe just food for thought.
Maybe things were deleted, not because of the issue, but because of terminology? It's one thing to point out an unsafe team, or skills, but it's harsh when you call a specific team/routine "janky," "terrible" or "awful" or something. I dont know, since I didn't read the whole "Janky" thread, but maybe just food for thought.
That could very well be. I hope it was, because it leaves an option for the topic itself to be openly discussed. Food for thought. Thanks.
Never mind don't read Janky tumbling was deleted. Evidently some one complained the post and it's contents contained bullying. I want to make it clear that this is not true. I hope they leave this thread up because I think have the right to defend myself.

There was some fabulous idea's and thoughts on that thread and it is sad that a post can be yanked because someone didn't like it. Everyone went out of there way to clarify that no gym or child was being hated on. Examples were given but they were examples not targets of hate. It is important to me that everyone understands no malicious or bad intent was voiced in that thread. I would never be deliberately unkind, not even to the people who sent me the nasty private message.

I started that post because I had a valid concern. It was not my original intent to publicly put up any examples but when they were put up, it struck a chord in many people. Sweeping this under the rug and pretending this doesn't exist will not benefit our sport. The rules that are being rushed into place do not even address the issue's seen in those examples given. There is a huge difference between a properly trained level 5 athlete and an untrained wanna be level 5 athlete. This wanna be level 5 gym/coach/athlete is what will endanger the longevity of this sport.
I responded in that thread, and I did not see any form of bullying at all. There were unsafe elements from beginning to end in the routines posted, and shame on the coaches that put those kids on the floor like that. If the coaches from any of the programs referred to - would like defend their actions, I am sure we would be willing to listen. Those athletes deserve to use their skills in a routine, at a level.. the whole team can safely perform. That is what the discussion was about.
The only bullying in the situation was the one who complained and had it removed....they bullied the moderators into doing what they wanted. The thread was started to point out that there are serious safety concerns out there, that not every Level 5 team looks like Stars and F5.
Never mind don't read Janky tumbling was deleted. Evidently some one complained the post and it's contents contained bullying. I want to make it clear that this is not true. I hope they leave this thread up because I think have the right to defend myself.

There was some fabulous idea's and thoughts on that thread and it is sad that a post can be yanked because someone didn't like it. Everyone went out of there way to clarify that no gym or child was being hated on. Examples were given but they were examples not targets of hate. It is important to me that everyone understands no malicious or bad intent was voiced in that thread. I would never be deliberately unkind, not even to the people who sent me the nasty private message.

I started that post because I had a valid concern. It was not my original intent to publicly put up any examples but when they were put up, it struck a chord in many people. Sweeping this under the rug and pretending this doesn't exist will not benefit our sport. The rules that are being rushed into place do not even address the issue's seen in those examples given. There is a huge difference between a properly trained level 5 athlete and an untrained wanna be level 5 athlete. This wanna be level 5 gym/coach/athlete is what will endanger the longevity of this sport.[/qu
BULLYING????? Are you kidding me ????? It is called the truth !!!! So when a coach tells your child they can not be on a certain team because they do not have the skills, is that bullying or them looking out for your childs safety ???? If so all of our children have been bullied by the coaches at one time or another.....Questioning safety is just that and no more !!!!!
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Bullying ????? ARe you kidding me !!!!! This was an issue of safety!! If a coach says your child can not be on a certain team because they dont have the skills, is that bullying ???? or is that safety ????? If so then all of our children have been bullied by the coaches at one time or another !!! This was an issue of safety and nothing more !!!!
That could very well be. I hope it was, because it leaves an option for the topic itself to be openly discussed. Food for thought. Thanks.

Any moderator could have edited the title of the thread without removing it completely from the board. I'm sure whoever deleted it had their reason's! I try not to second guess those in charge. LOL
I replied to that thread several times and will note that I saw no bullying in it. There are plenty of options for that gym to showcase their skills without putting dangerous ones on the floor.

1. Restricted 5. You don't need as many fulls to do well and can put only the SAFE ones on the floor.
2. Level 4. God forbid we place a team in that division. I'm too old to cheer for senior aged but I can guarantee you that if I were still an athlete I would MUCH rather be on a level 4 team than a less than stellar level 5.
3. Level 4 and attend competitions that don't follow USASF rules, such as Complete Cheer and Dance. Level 4's can throw fulls at their competitions.

I would like to add that I respect everyone in that thread for wanting the best for the athletes. I have seen scary fulls thrown and result in injury...torn ACLs, broken ankles, etc. No one wants that to happen to any athlete at any program. The same standards apply for large mega-gyms too. I would hope that if someone would call out Stingrays or Cheer Athletics if they put a routine on the floor with tumbling that looked like it would cause an injury.