As a person with no gym affiliation and no concern about any one person (my concern is, however, the safety of our athletes)...I have to say that I saw nothing in the thread that wasn't polite but honest. The video I saw, however, DID have not only unsafe tumbling but unsafe stunting/pyramids as well. I didn't see it as 'calling someone out' so much as 'bringing attention to'- it's very easy to say 'Not in MY Gym' until someone else is gasping in fear while watching your routine. I did watch the State routine, and it was unfortunate to see a team who might have done well at a lower level push themselves in such an unsafe manner. It would have been one thing if you could feel like maybe they were having an off day or if at least one part was solid, but I couldn't help but worry for injury during the whole routine. The sad part is, these gyms will do this in most cases UNLESS they're brought to light. Because let's face it, these rules weren't necessarily aimed at the Top Guns, the MTs, the WCs, and the Cheer Athletics of the world. It was aimed at the teams determined to BE the Top Guns, World Cups, Calis, Brandons of the world WITHOUT following the proper procedures that GOT those teams where they are in the first place.