I hate this. I used to always watch 2009 to remember how big of a 'has-been' I am now. First ever two to whip double I ever competed. I always chickened out and did three to double. LOL! Not bad for 240 lbs.
Still don't know the answer about the 2011 and prior videos.
As to the 2012 videos, the back up hard drive that holds all the videos from Worlds still hasn't been delivered to USASF headquarters yet. When it is, they will do a complete search for the missing videos.
My daughter performed in 2010 and performed 3 times (it was the last year of Juniors) and they got the bronze medal so I like watching it all over again, each day and now I CAN'T because of the changes they made. Not user/customer friendly at all!!! :confused: