All-Star Idea For How To Score Better

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  • #16
I still think coaches should turn in a list of skill elements, in order, prior to performance. The team should then get deductions if they stray from the scripted routine. The skills judge could then compare the performance to the routine script.

I slightly disagree with this. I might make an audible call int he warmup room when a stunt just cannot fullup or a girl cannot twist twice. Instead of taking the deduction id rather get a slightly lower difficulty level and save execution and deduction points. Won many national championships by being the smarter team that took out the thing you just 'know' is gonna crash.
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  • #17
I feel like this process could actually take 'less' judges. The difficulty judge would have no idea either what the execution was given. Facials and all that pizazz is taken out of the equation. Ok, that team did completely assissted stunts and only 3 did the transition. Now I have an idea of what the difficulty really is.
I slightly disagree with this. I might make an audible call int he warmup room when a stunt just cannot fullup or a girl cannot twist twice. Instead of taking the deduction id rather get a slightly lower difficulty level and save execution and deduction points. Won many national championships by being the smarter team that took out the thing you just 'know' is gonna crash.
I would allow for the coach to turn in a last-minute change right up until "play" is pushed. I also wouldn't penalize teams severely, just enough to make sure they aren't purposely lying to get a higher difficulty score.

(NOTE: just brainstorming at the moment - not necessarily committing to any particular system)
Ok, for the record I am HIGHLY in favor of whatever needs to be done to get difficulty correct. This weekend Day 1 my team scored the LOWEST in the division in stunt difficulty, Day 2, highest (same elements competed). This does not change the fact that it affected my teams overall score (when two days scored factored together) so I am ALL in favor of getting it right. However I am cautious of the "live" element being removed from the score sheet all together. Heck we aren't known for our "performance" so this would help my current situation lol but idk that it's what is best for cheer in the long run.
It is my understanding that there are "range" judges that give a recommendation of where the scores should fall based on elements competed, isn't that the same thing? So is what your suggesting is an additional "video review"? Just trying to clarify.
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I would allow for the coach to turn in a last-minute change right up until "play" is pushed. I also wouldn't penalize teams severely, just enough to make sure they aren't purposely lying to get a higher difficulty score.

I know it is rare but I have also made the call mid routine telling a girl to only spin once at Worlds. She hurt her ankle, she was limping, and I knew she would go do it no matter what. I told her to spin once instead (because the personality that was going to go no matter what unless I turned off the music... and she would have been horrified at that). I just think adding a sheet the diffiuclty person has to count and compare to will add more complication and in the end not save any time (which is why I think you suggested the sheet in the first place).
I do want to state that absolutely LOVE the fact that NCA released more details about the scoring, even though it served to expose some unusual scoring in stunt/toss difficulty.
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  • #22
I do want to state that absolutely LOVE the fact that NCA released more details about the scoring, even though it served to expose some unusual scoring in stunt/toss difficulty.

I think NCA, overall, does their best to be the most accurate they can be. I think this would just improve that ability.
I do want to state that absolutely LOVE the fact that NCA released more details about the scoring, even though it served to expose some unusual scoring in stunt/toss difficulty.
Agree for sure!
Ok, for the record I am HIGHLY in favor of whatever needs to be done to get difficulty correct. This weekend Day 1 my team scored the LOWEST in the division in stunt difficulty, Day 2, highest (same elements competed).

I think scoring day 2 was better and I suspect some tape was watched Saturday night. Point being, incorporate it real time.
I think NCA, overall, does their best to be the most accurate they can be. I think this would just improve that ability.
I have great respect for them opening up the scoring like they have. It demonstrates that they care about, and are proud of, the ability of their judges and their judging system. Even with the issues I saw, I am still convinced that the NCA judging is overall the most consistent and fair one out there. I'm certainly not saying I agree with or understand every result. However, those baffling rankings are much more rare at NCA than at other events, IMO.
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  • #26
And the girl with the mid routine injury now coaches at rays and is sitting in front of me on the plane. We just talked about that. I can't believe that was 6 years ago.
As long as video review is ONLY used for the purpose of quantity assessment and not for 'live elements' (performance, creativity, etc), I'd be down with that. I often wonder how much the 'smoke and mirrors' REALLY affects score. I'm sure it does ZERO for our credibility as a sport, but I digress..the only part where it would get tricky would be standing tumbling, definitely. I'm sure it could be ironed out into a system that doesn't compromise the speed of the competition.