I believe what they mean by reviewing the judges score and evaluating them is not to be done right there at the competition. But later with a video tape just to see if there were any major judging mistakes and base their judging skills and grade them. I would say that would work and the most consistent judges would be asked to come back.
The above comment is exactly what I mean. Make the judges accountable for what is written on the score sheet. I belive there should be a universal score sheet. However, I also believe judges should be held accountable to know and understand the scores sheet they are using to judge a particular event. It sounds like a cop out to say that a judge doesn't know one score sheet from another. If that's the case, don't judge for so many different event producers. I also really like the idea of the judges being in a differnt room and being able to pause and rewind routines. This could lead to more attention to detail - Great concept!