All-Star International Open Coed 5 Teams 2010-2011

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International Open Coed 5:
ATL Allstars
Brandon Allstars
California Allstars
Cheer Athletics Wildcats
Cheer Extreme
CheerForce All American
Cheer Odyssey
CIA Triple Threat
East Celebrity Elite
Energie from California
Fierce Allstars
GymTyme Black
ICC Paragon
ICE Cyclones
KC Cheer
Kentucky Allstars (Kentucky Elite)
PCT Cobras
PrimeTyme Phoenix
Maryland Twisters Black Ice
Matrix Armageddon
Maverick Allstar Tumblers
Nor Cal Elite
Pittsburgh Superstars
Planet Cheer Galaxy
Pro Athletics (MA)
Rhode Island Elite
Rhody Allstars
Spirit All Stars (CT) Kryptonite
Spirit of Texas
State Allstars
Step 1
Top Gun
Top Notch Allstars
Ultimate Canadian Cheer Jags
Universal Kentucky Cheer Eclipse
USA Allstarz Most Wanted
West Coast Allstars
Xtreme Allstars

Unconfirmed/Pending Try Outs:
American Elite Epic
Memphis Elite
Rocket Elite
If I could play devil's advocate. I sort of like the compete three times thing better. Let's be honest, a lot of gyms use having a team "make it" to worlds every year as a major recruiting tool. My next question would be, how many of the teams outside of the original top 3 have a realistic chance of taking home a globe?
If I could play devil's advocate. I sort of like the compete three times thing better. Let's be honest, a lot of gyms use having a team "make it" to worlds every year as a major recruiting tool. My next question would be, how many of the teams outside of the original top 3 have a realistic chance of taking home a globe?

We will never know will we with the way it is set up now. Just because someone doesn't make it to day 2 doesn't mean they don't have a chance to win the globe. Day 2 starts all over again with a blank scoresheet as we all know. So lets say the #4 and #5 US team (who didn't make day 2) were really close behind the TOP 3 were to make day 2. Then what would the outcomes be?

Only 3 teams being taken to finals really diminishes the division a little I think.
We will never know will we with the way it is set up now. Just because someone doesn't make it to day 2 doesn't mean they don't have a chance to win the globe. Day 2 starts all over again with a blank scoresheet as we all know. So lets say the #4 and #5 US team (who didn't make day 2) were really close behind the TOP 3 were to make day 2. Then what would the outcomes be?

I understand what you are saying. I was just giving an alternative side to the discussion. I like to look at both sides before I make a conclusion. Bottom line, some of the divisions at worlds are way to saturated. There has to be another way to cut down on the number of teams that compete at worlds. Of course that probably won't happen due to $. My personal opinion, they got the top 3 correct this past year at worlds.
We will never know will we with the way it is set up now. Just because someone doesn't make it to day 2 doesn't mean they don't have a chance to win the globe. Day 2 starts all over again with a blank scoresheet as we all know. So lets say the #4 and #5 US team (who didn't make day 2) were really close behind the TOP 3 were to make day 2. Then what would the outcomes be?

I understand what you are saying. I was just giving an alternative side to the discussion. I like to look at both sides before I make a conclusion. Bottom line, some of the divisions at worlds are way to saturated. There has to be another way to cut down on the number of teams that compete at worlds. Of course that probably won't happen due to $. My personal opinion, they got the top 3 correct this past year at worlds.

I agree with that!
This division is RIDIC! I feel like there are way too many teams *sigh*
I feel like this division is so big because so many people who aged out ( like me) still want to cheer and stay in level 5 vs lvl 6
But that's just my opinion.
We will never know will we with the way it is set up now. Just because someone doesn't make it to day 2 doesn't mean they don't have a chance to win the globe. Day 2 starts all over again with a blank scoresheet as we all know. So lets say the #4 and #5 US team (who didn't make day 2) were really close behind the TOP 3 were to make day 2. Then what would the outcomes be?

I understand what you are saying. I was just giving an alternative side to the discussion. I like to look at both sides before I make a conclusion. Bottom line, some of the divisions at worlds are way to saturated. There has to be another way to cut down on the number of teams that compete at worlds. Of course that probably won't happen due to $. My personal opinion, they got the top 3 correct this past year at worlds.

I also agree with this! As for the top 10, not so much. It seems like every gym is the US has a team in this division this year, and all one million will have to fight for those 3 spots. Who knows maybe the rule will change right before worlds, just like they changed the freakin score sheet for the international teams like 2 months before competition! USASF SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!!
The non US teams have the same opportunity to get as good as we do!

Well, glad you think that teams from outside the US have the same opportunity as you guys do...
My team is allgirl, but well...
Lets start with our "gym". Ever been to a basketball game at an old gym - hardwood floor, no mats? Well, that's what our "gym" looks like. Yes, we do not have ANY kind of equipment to practice with. Makes learning tumbling a lot harder (you need really good spots to not start breaking you neck learning a bhs...not to speak of a full or even a double full). I want to see US teams learning all of their skills on a hardwood floor, then we can compare again!
Next thing is that there are no fulltime coaches (speaking for my team). Meaning there are no such things as privates or tumbling lessons.
There are far less competitions to qualify to worlds over here (as far as I know there is only a single one...)
There is only one spring floor in our town that you can rent time on (really expensive and unconvenient times) - but you are not allowed to have your shoes on when you're on it... if they see you with shoes on it - they throw you out!

Oh yeah, but we have the same opportunities as you guys do in the US...

To be honest: there is some great talent over here in Germany, and there are teams that have better equipped training facilities, but it will take some years until we got the same opportunities as you guys do!
Well, glad you think that teams from outside the US have the same opportunity as you guys do...
My team is allgirl, but well...
Lets start with our "gym". Ever been to a basketball game at an old gym - hardwood floor, no mats? Well, that's what our "gym" looks like. Yes, we do not have ANY kind of equipment to practice with. Makes learning tumbling a lot harder (you need really good spots to not start breaking you neck learning a bhs...not to speak of a full or even a double full). I want to see US teams learning all of their skills on a hardwood floor, then we can compare again!
Next thing is that there are no fulltime coaches (speaking for my team). Meaning there are no such things as privates or tumbling lessons.
There are far less competitions to qualify to worlds over here (as far as I know there is only a single one...)
There is only one spring floor in our town that you can rent time on (really expensive and unconvenient times) - but you are not allowed to have your shoes on when you're on it... if they see you with shoes on it - they throw you out!

Oh yeah, but we have the same opportunities as you guys do in the US...

To be honest: there is some great talent over here in Germany, and there are teams that have better equipped training facilities, but it will take some years until we got the same opportunities as you guys do!

Non US teams do have the same opportunities. Do you think that these powerhouse gyms started at where theyre at today? I can name a couple of gyms that have started in school gyms, parks, backyards! But gyms that start out like that dont end up going to worlds, they build up enough money to actually rent a gym, or get a gym of their own to practice in and get better, and as the years go by they finally have enough talent to field a level 5/6 team and compete at worlds. I think a lot of non US teams actually waited to compete at worlds when theyre ready and have the equiptment to practice on to train for it, then the competition would be a lot harder, and we would actually be equal. But yes we DO have the same opportunities, theyre US teams that practice in school gyms, but they arent ready to compete at worlds.
Well, glad you think that teams from outside the US have the same opportunity as you guys do...
My team is allgirl, but well...
Lets start with our "gym". Ever been to a basketball game at an old gym - hardwood floor, no mats? Well, that's what our "gym" looks like. Yes, we do not have ANY kind of equipment to practice with. Makes learning tumbling a lot harder (you need really good spots to not start breaking you neck learning a bhs...not to speak of a full or even a double full). I want to see US teams learning all of their skills on a hardwood floor, then we can compare again!
Next thing is that there are no fulltime coaches (speaking for my team). Meaning there are no such things as privates or tumbling lessons.
There are far less competitions to qualify to worlds over here (as far as I know there is only a single one...)
There is only one spring floor in our town that you can rent time on (really expensive and unconvenient times) - but you are not allowed to have your shoes on when you're on it... if they see you with shoes on it - they throw you out!

Oh yeah, but we have the same opportunities as you guys do in the US...

To be honest: there is some great talent over here in Germany, and there are teams that have better equipped training facilities, but it will take some years until we got the same opportunities as you guys do!

There are gyms here in the US with those same issues as well and kids drive 4+ hrs to other gyms who have/offer those things to get better.

I think that if someone really wants to be the best at something then they work their tails off to get there. You do what you have to do! I know for a FACT that other countries call on US Choreographers to choreography. New Zealand for example flies in friends of mine to do skills camps to help those kids get better! 22 New Zealand teams attend that skills camp so as I said b4 and will clarify a little better-----Other countries as a whole have the same chances that US teams have. Now whether or not they take advantage of them is another issue.
It's so weird to be competing in this division but I'm so excited! Especially after seeing the size of the division!
IMO I dont think its fair that their can only be three from each country, Worlds is for THE BEST OF THE BEST, IMO I think USAF was more than fair when they changed the score sheet. Its like we are giving some of the INT teams a free pass to day 2. This rule needs to be changed.

This dosent reflect on FAME at all, this is all my personal opinion!

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